Erfan Horeh - [email protected], erfanbh
Alex Rose - [email protected], arose1234
In this project we plan to classify different signals in DAS data using machine learning.
How we will complete this project:
- Make DAS data AI-ready for use with different ML methods
- Propose methods for ship noise DAS data to be used my ML
- Apply CML and DL models to DAS data in early attempt to classify ship noise
Due to the large nature of DAS data it was very difficult to separate the notebooks into different files for the steps undergone since we are dealing with extremely big data. We have 3 notebooks which includes our steps in order to be able to analyze the data since we are unable to save our data directly to GitHub. Data_manipulation_new is the notebook for our beginning data manipulation to prepare our AI-ready dataset for analysis. ClassicMachineLearning_notebook includes our data manipulation + CML methods applied to our DAS data. DeepLearning_Notebook includes our deep learning models applied to our beginning notebook on data manipulation. is the script associated with functions used in all notebooks that is required. An additional notebook Testing_DL utilizes our DL infrastructure and tests it to a figure to see if ship signals are present.
Code is now split between two different files due to the clustering_analysis.ipynb file implementing logistic regression over a larger size of the dataset. Data_Manipulation_new.ipynb contains the AutoML Implementation and Hyperparameter Tuning, Training Engineering and Model Assessment, and Computational Time Analysis sections.
Using provided environment file you can easily install all needed directories from a frozen environment.txt file
To install: Create and activate own conda env using:
conda create --name DASclassification python=3.11.10
conda activate DASclassification
Then use frozen environment.txt file: "Path/environment.txt" will be to be replaced with own filepath
pip install -r path/environment.txt
Ocean Observatories Initiative RAPID community test from 2021
The OOI 2021 data comes specifically as .h5 files which contain numerous numbered variables such as time and distance along cable and Whidbey 2024 data has not been recieved yet.
Strain rate data is calculated later on in the notebook.
Wilcock, W., & Ocean Observatories Initiative. (2023). Rapid: A Community Test of Distributed Acoustic Sensing on the Ocean Observatories
Initiative Regional Cabled Array [Data set]. Ocean Observatories Initiative.
Example Image:
For the DAS data the mean, max, min, and variance are not helpful for the overall data. However, using different variables from the data: the spectrum, our plotted spectrogram, and the signal to noise ratio are much more beneficial as they help up observe more of the key trends occuring in the data due to the high dimensionality presented in the DAS data.
The Metadata file for this project helps give bounds in time and space to ships identified for ML. Ships are displayed like in the example image and we find the bounds in which they plot in time and space. The borders of the features displayed are noted for both the distance and time then marked down in the metadata. A calculation is then undergone in the .csv which calculated where it lies in the channels based on the knowing the given channel length. (channel = ((distance / 2meters) * 1000 m/km)
Each column has a specific attribute it is displaying. The rows in the metadata correspond to each instance of identifiable ships crossing over either a section of the North or South OOI cable monitored in our data. The columns below explain what each attribute is and how it contributes to our study.
Ship_# - Unique # given to each different ship, allows for knowing if the same ship is in more than 1 row
folder_name - name of folder on onedrive, due to large data constraints some folders are on onedrive for viewing which shows plot similar to example above
Gauge_length - Determines spatial resolution of data
Interrogator - Instrument used, either optasense or silixa
depth - depth of cable (m), how far underwater the cable is lying on the seafloor
Ship_type - type of ship
Ship_speed - speef of ship
Cable - Which OOI cable is being utilized (North or South), the OOI RCA has multiple cables and these are two sitting along the oregon margin
Lon - Longitude (degrees)
Lat - Latitude (degress)
~Start_distance - (closest distance along cable from Pacific City, OR [km] where ship is seen), Left side of the plot
~End_distance - (furthest distance along cable from Pacific City, OR [km] where ship is seen) , Right side of the plot
~Start_channel - (closest channel along cabe from Pacific City, OR [km] where ship is seen, converted from distance), attribute used for key variables in the data
~End_channel - (furthest channel along cabe from Pacific City, OR [km] where ship is seen, converted from distance), attribute used for key variables in the data
~Start_Date_Time_Plot - time indicated in top right of plot for start time whihc is = 0.
~Start_Time_from_plot - (First time ship is seen from start of plot), Bottom side of the plot
~End_Time_from_plot - (last time ship is seen from start of plot), Top side of the plot
~Start_datetime_ship - actual start time in MM/D/YYYY HH:MM:SS
~end_datetime_ship - actual end time in MM/D/YYYY HH:MM:SS
Notes - Notes
The OOI DAS dataset is around 26 TB of data as a whole which makes using it on github challenging. Challenges have also been shown from large download sizes and download times. The dimensionality of the dataset is also very large so specific code blocks take lots of time to run.
Erfan Horeh - Project Lead
- Curation of AI-ready dataset
- Assitance with CML models
- Creation of DL models for utilization in course
- Presentation organization and creation
- Report organization and writing
Alex Rose - Project Assistant
- Assisted with compilation and formatting of metadata of where ships are located in the data to be utilized by ML and compiled sections of file.
- Compiled Research Relevance file and utilized AutoML to find suitable models.
- Assistance w/ DL models
- Assitance with presentation and figures
- Report writing