This is the code repository for the paper: Dake Zhang, Amir Vakili Tahami, Mustafa Abualsaud, and Mark D. Smucker. "Learning Trustworthy Web Sources to Derive Correct Answers and Reduce Health Misinformation in Search." In Proceedings of the 45th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. 2022. [camera-ready version] [ACM Digital Library]
This pipeline was evaluated on the TREC Health Misinformation Track.
The topics and qrels used in our paper are hosted on the TREC website.
We also used two web collections: ClueWeb12-B13 and en.noclean version of C4.
contains 90 topics (45 helpful topics and 45 topics) sampled from the external_data/Truth.txt
originated from Ryen W White and Ahmed Hassan, where overlapping topics with 2019 or 2021 topics were removed.
Download those file listed below and put them in the folder data/raw_data/
- 2019 topics
: - 2019 topics efficacy labels
: - 2019 qrels
: - 2021 topics
: - 2021 qrels
: located atqrels/qrels-35topics.txt
Refer to the links below for how documents were judged by NIST.
- 2019 qrels:
- 2021 qrels:
We use Python 3.8.10 with the following main packages. Note that retrieving documents also requires Java environment.
In this section, we provide a step-by-step guidance to reproduce the results reported in our paper. We have provided all code in this repository. Meanwhile, we have also provided intermediate outputs after each stage. In other words, you can quickly experiment with any stage without the need to run previous stages to get the input data to that stage.
Code for this stage is kept under utils/
To train the Stance Detection Model, we need to use the effectiveness judgments in 2019 qrels and the stance judgments in 2021 qrels. Specifically, we use 2019 qrels for training and 2021 qrels for evaluation. However, those two qrels files do not contain the document content. So we need to retrieve those documents in the qrels from the ClueWeb12-B13 index and the C4 index respectively. Additionally, since the 2019 qrels training data is heavily imbalanced, we also need to sample an equal number of supportive (effective) and dissuasive (ineffective) document for training the Stance Detection Model.
Execute the following commands to retrieve documents judged in the 2019 qrels and the 2021 qrels respectively.
python -q 2019qrels -i [path to the index of ClueWeb12-B13]
python -q 2021qrels -i [path to the index of C4]
The output files are also provided at data/2019qrels_docs.csv
and data/2021qrels_docs.csv
Execute the following command to sample a balanced subset of 2019 qrels.
The output file is provided at data/2019qrels_docs_balanced.csv
For the experiment of five-fold cross-validation of the 2019 data below, execute the following command to get the stratified random topic split.
The output file is provided at data/2019topics_split.json
Code for this stage is kept under initial_retrieval/
uses Pyserini to perform BM25 search.
For the initial retrieval, we need to perform BM25 search using 2019 topics, 2021 topics, and WH topics respectively.
For 2019 topcis and 2021 topics, we need to retrieve the top 3000 documents for both topic answer prediction and reranking.
For WH topics, we only need the top 100 documents for training the Trust Model.
- -T, --topic_set, options: 2019, 2021, WH
- -t, --topic_id, 1-51 for 2019 topics, 101-150 for 2021 topics, and 0-89 for WH topics. Specify the topic id for each run of this program to make jobs parallel.
- -i, --index_path, path to the index of the web collection. You can index C4/ClueWeb12-B13 using Anserini.
Execute the following commands to obtain the Initial Retrieval Results. Make sure you have the index of C4 ready.
python -t [topic_id] -T 2019 -i [path to the index of C4]
python -t [topic_id] -T 2021 -i [path to the index of C4]
python -t [topic_id] -T WH -i [path to the index of C4]
The retrieved documents would be saved in the corresponding folder within output
We have the compressed output folder ready for you to use if you want to save time from running the code:
Code for this stage is kept under stance_detection/
Our Stance Detection Model is finetuned on t5-large.
In our paper, we mention there are two experiment settings: 2019 cross-validation and 2021 test.
In this setting, we perform 5-fold cross-validation on sampled 2019 qrels. Judgments are grouped according to topics to create a zero-shot setting. Specifically, we finetune t5-large on the topics of four folds and test it on the topics of the remaining fold. Therefore, we will have five finetuned Stance Detection Models. Then we will use those five models each to predict stances of documents retrieved using the 2019 topics and WH topics. That's, there are five versions of predicted stances for each document.
Execute the following commands to perform cross-validation and then use the finetuned Stance Detection Model to predict stances of documents retrieved using 2019 topics and WH topics.
python -c config_2019qrels_cv
python -c config_2019topics_cv_inference -t [topic_id: 101-150]
python -c config_WHtopcis_inference -t [topic_id: 0-89]
In this setting, we finetune t5-large on the stance judgments sampled from 2019 qrels.
Execute the following commands to finetune t5-large and then use the finetuned Stance Detection Model to predict stances of documents retrieved using 2021 topics and WH topics.
python -c config_2019qrels_train
python -c config_2021topcis_inference -t [topic_id: 101-150]
python -c config_WHtopcis_inference -t [topic_id: 0-89]
The output files are provided in output
We have also uploaded the finetuned Stance Detection Model at
You can download it and directly use it to do inference on other suitable data.
Code for this stage is kept under answer_prediction/
Similar to the Stage 2, we also have two experiment settings: 2019 cross-validation and 2021 test.
Execute the first command below to predict answers of 2019 topics using 5-fold cross-validation and the second command to predict answers of 2021 topics.
python -t 2019
python -t 2021
The output files are provided in output
Code for this stage is kept under reranking/
Execute the following commands to generate three runs reported in our paper.
python -t BM25-Baseline
python -t Correct-Stance
python -t Trust-Pipeline
The output files are provided in output
Create a folder named evaluation
Clone this GitHub repository:
From, find misinfo-qrels-graded.helpful-only
and misinfo-qrels-graded.harmful-only
under qrels/2021-derived-qrels/
And put those two files into the compatibility folder.
Execute the following commands to get compatibility scores of the three runs generated above.
python misinfo-qrels-graded.helpful-only ../../reranking/output/BM25-Baseline
python misinfo-qrels-graded.harmful-only ../../reranking/output/BM25-Baseline
python misinfo-qrels-graded.helpful-only ../../reranking/output/Correct-Stance
python misinfo-qrels-graded.harmful-only ../../reranking/output/Correct-Stance
python misinfo-qrels-graded.helpful-only ../../reranking/output/Trust-Pipeline
python misinfo-qrels-graded.harmful-only ../../reranking/output/Trust-Pipeline
Please cite the following paper if you use our code.
author = {Zhang, Dake and Vakili Tahami, Amir and Abualsaud, Mustafa and Smucker, Mark D.},
title = {Learning Trustworthy Web Sources to Derive Correct Answers and Reduce Health Misinformation in Search},
year = {2022},
isbn = {9781450387323},
publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/3477495.3531812},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 45th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval},
pages = {2099–2104},
numpages = {6},
location = {Madrid, Spain},
series = {SIGIR '22}
This work was supported in part by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (RGPIN-2020-04665, RGPAS-2020-00080), in part by Mitacs, in part by Compute Canada, and in part by the University of Waterloo.
If you have questions regarding this repository, please contact Dake using