Lectures for INFO8010 - Deep Learning, ULiège, Spring 2020.
- Instructor: Gilles Louppe ([email protected])
- Teaching assistants: Matthia Sabatelli ([email protected]), Antoine Wehenkel ([email protected])
- When: Spring 2020, Friday 8:30AM
- Classroom: B28/R3
Date | Topic |
February 7 | Outline [PDF] Lecture 0: Introduction [PDF] Lecture 1: Fundamentals of machine learning [PDF] Tutorial 1: Installation and tensor operations |
February 14 | Lecture 2: Neural networks [PDF] Tutorial 2: Using pre-trained neural networks |
February 21 | Lecture 3: Convolutional networks [PDF] Tutorial 3: Backpropagation |
February 28 | Lecture 4: Computer vision [PDF] Q&A session |
March 6 | Lecture 5: Training neural networks [PDF] Tutorial 4: Neural networks with PyTorch Project proposal |
March 13 | Lecture 6: Recurrent neural networks [PDF] Tutorial 5: Convolutional neural networks |
March 20 | Lecture 7: Auto-encoders and generative models Tutorial 6 |
March 27 | Lecture 8: Generative adversarial networks |
April 3 | Lecture 9: Attention and transformer networks Reading assignment |
April 24 | Lecture 10: Uncertainty Q&A session |
May 1 | Project code and report |
May 8 | Lecture 11: Theory of deep learning |
May 15 | Lecture 12: Deep reinforcement learning |
See instructions in project.md
Your task is to read and summarize a major scientific paper in the field of deep learning. You are free to select one among the following three papers:
You should produce a report that summarizes the problem that is tackled by the paper and explains why it is challenging or important. The report should outline the main contributions and results with respect to the problem that is addressed. It should also include a critical discussion of the advantages and shortcomings of the contributions of the paper.
- You can work in groups of maximum 3 students.
- You report must be written in English.
- 2 pages (excluding references, if any).
- Formatted using the LaTeX template
Your report should be submitted by April 3, 2020 at 23:59 on the submission platform. This is a hard deadline.