UltraStar-Creator (usc) is a free and open source song creation tool using Qt. It should be compilable and runnable on Windows, Linux and Mac OS.
(under construction)
(under construction)
(under construction)
Note: you might have to setup the MSVC commandline environment before building.
- Install Qt6. We recommend Qt 6.5
- Build taglib. From command line (in repository root):
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/taglib/taglib.git
cd taglib
msbuild build/install.vcxproj -p:Configuration=Release
cp -r "C:/Program Files/taglib/include/taglib" ../include
copy build/taglib/Release/tag.dll ../lib/win64
copy build/taglib/Release/tag.lib ../lib/win64
- Build cld2. Make sure you cloned with submodules included. From command line (in repository root):
cd include/cld2/internal
cl /TP /GR /EHsc /c /MD cldutil.cc cldutil_shared.cc compact_lang_det.cc compact_lang_det_hint_code.cc compact_lang_det_impl.cc debug.cc fixunicodevalue.cc generated_entities.cc generated_language.cc generated_ulscript.cc getonescriptspan.cc lang_script.cc offsetmap.cc scoreonescriptspan.cc tote.cc utf8statetable.cc cld_generated_cjk_uni_prop_80.cc cld2_generated_cjk_compatible.cc cld_generated_cjk_delta_bi_32.cc generated_distinct_bi_0.cc cld2_generated_quad0122.cc cld2_generated_deltaocta0122.cc cld2_generated_distinctocta0122.cc cld_generated_score_quad_octa_0122.cc
link /dll /out:cld2.dll *.obj
lib /out:cld2.lib *.obj
copy .\cld2.lib ..\..\..\lib\win64
copy .\cld2.dll ..\..\..\lib\win64
- Build UltraStar-Creator
- from command line:
cd src && qmake6 UltraStar-Creator.pro -spec win32-msvc && nmake
- using Qt Creator: open
in Qt Creator, disable shadow build in Project tab, then build (CTRL+B)
- from command line:
- Run
and start creating new songs!
These are example instructions for Ubuntu. Package names may have to be adapted for your distribution.
- Install Qt6. We recommend Qt 6.5
- Install dependencies:
sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dev build-essential libtag1-dev libcld2-dev libxcb-icccm4 libxcb-image0 libxcb-keysyms1 libxcb-render-util0 libxcb-xinerama0 libxcb-xkb-dev libxkbcommon-x11-0 libxcb-cursor0 libgtk2.0-dev libfuse2
- Build UltraStar-Creator. From repository root:
- via command line (from repository root):
cd src && qmake6 UltraStar-Creator.pro && make
- using Qt Creator: open
in Qt Creator, disable shadow build in Project tab, then build (CTRL+B)
- via command line (from repository root):
- Run
and start creating new songs!
We support both x86 (Intel) and ARM (M1/M2) Macs.
- Install homebrew via
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
- Install the Qt framework via
brew install qt
. - Install external dependencies via
brew install taglib
- Build cld2. Make sure you cloned with submodules included. From command line (in repository root):
cd include
patch cld2/internal/compile_libs.sh cld2-mac-compile.patch
cd cld2/internal/
export CFLAGS="-Wno-narrowing -O3"
cp libcld2.dylib ../../../lib/macx
- Build UltraStar-Creator
- from command line:
cd src && qmake UltraStar-Creator.pro && make
- using Qt Creator: open
in Qt Creator, disable shadow build in Project tab, then build (CTRL+B)
- from command line:
- Run
and start creating new songs!
Feel free to fork this project, modify it to your hearts content and maybe also do pull requests to this repository for additional features, improvements or clean-ups.