git clone
python3 -m venv env
Activate environment
Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
[CLI] Generate script python with your configs using option email
python --force -e [email protected] -p emailpassword -i 30 -to [email protected] --enableemail
Use this option to generate the file without all the necessary arguments.
[CLI] Generate using option Telegram
python --force --uid 990911 -k 203040:YOUTOKENXJK$3 --interval 30 --enabletelegram
[Interactive mode]
Just use python
without --force
You can use the cli parameters for use in interactive mode
python --uid 990911 -k 203040:YOUTOKENXJK$3 --interval 30
Then finish setting the variables in interactive mode
Enter on interactive mode and compile the script using option C
(without debug pyinstaller) or D
(with debug pyinstaller)
To debug, comment the line Hide()
@TODO: Compile script to exe using cli
usage: [-h] [-e EMAIL] [-p PASSWORD] [-i INTERVAL] [-t TO] [-d DEBUG] [-u UID] [-k TOKEN]
[--enabletelegram] [--enableemail] [--force]
Set configs to gerenerate a new file
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-e EMAIL, --email EMAIL
set a new email
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
set a new password
-i INTERVAL, --interval INTERVAL
set a new interval
-t TO, --to TO set send to email
-d DEBUG, --debug DEBUG
Enable debug loggs on gnatlogger script, use DEBUG
-u UID, --uid UID uid telegram @myidbot
-k TOKEN, --token TOKEN
token bot telegram
--enabletelegram enable telegram as send form
--enableemail enable email as send form
--force disable interactive and force generate file