A SIMBL plugin that adds Last.fm Scrobbling capabilities to Spotify. Built (well, started anyway) at the Last.fm Hack Day 2008.
As of 18th December 2008 Spotify has built in scrobbling support.
- Download and install SIMBL
- Download and install the Last.fm desktop application (This won't always be required, but it is for the moment)
- Download this project
- Copy build/Release/SpotifyScrobbler.bundle to ~/Library/Application Support/SIMBL/Plugins/
- Launch the Last.fm application
- Launch Spotify
- Plugin loads with Spotify
- Plugin detects a change of track
- Plugin extracts metadata about the current track (Track name, artist name and length)
- Plugin observes how long the previous track was playing for (not ideal, doesn't take pauses into account, but this is a hack)
- Plugin checks if it appropriate to scrobble or not (Scobble when a track ends if: it was more than 30s long and at least half or 240s has been played)
- Plugin adds a menu item to Spotify's dock menu for Last.fm login
- Scrobbling via the Last.fm desktop app
I won't be working on these items, because Spotify now has it's own scrobbler.
- Tell last.fm when the music has stopped (at the very least when the app quits)
- Hook Last.fm login dock menu item up to a method
- Add GUI for Last.fm login
- Handshake with Last.fm server
- Scrobble tracks (stub method already called at appropriate times)
- Send "now playing" state to Last.fm (stub method already called at appropriate times)
This Scrobbler was built quickly at a Hack Day, there's not been a lot of time spent on testing etc. I'm happy to use it, but if you decide to use it too you do so at your own risk.