VCC v2.1.9.1 Dec 2024
- Gime timer enhancements to improve game sounds
- Minor tweak to special char greek beta to match real Coco3
- Debugger hotkey to toggle CPU tracking
- Allow backslash paste from text
- Use correct address from Coco3.rom for interrupt vectors - B.ONeill
- Debugger Memory Display added dump of ROM and PAK memory
- Debugger Disassembler easier entry of block/offset for NitrOS9 debugging.
- Add export trace to file to Debugger Execution Trace
- Floppy create new file now defaults to JVC
- Moved Auto Start checkboxes from Configuration/Misc to Configuration/CPU
- Various other minor interface tweaks and bug fixes
- Updates to UserGuide, QuickStartGuide, and DisassemblerTurtorial