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Create soft prompts for fairseq 13B dense, GPT-J-6B and GPT-Neo-2.7B for free in a Google Colab TPU instance


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(Unofficial Mesh Transformer JAX soft-tuning notebook)

Create, in Colab, soft prompts compatible with KoboldAI and mkultra for your favourite GPT-J-6B-based or GPT-Neo-2.7B-based model!

See this paper for more information about what a soft prompt is.


If you're not a programmer or you want a demo of how to use the API, click here to open the demo notebook.

API Usage

To install mtj-softtuner in a TPU Colab notebook, run these commands:

git clone
bash mtj-softtuner/

Here's an extremely basic example of how to use the API:

from mtj_softtuner import BasicTrainer

# Change this to an integer (e.g. 1) if you want to persist after
# the Colab runtime is restarted
universe = None

# Changing this to True causes traceback of certain error messages to be hidden
quiet = False

trainer = BasicTrainer(universe, quiet=quiet)

# Path to a Mesh Transformer JAX model, or the model ID of a Hugging Face model
# such as "KoboldAI/fairseq-dense-13B" = "/content/step_383500"

# These two lines below are only required if you're loading from a Mesh
# Transformer JAX model, see the demo notebook for the full list of permitted
# model types
model_type = "GPT-J-6B"

# Location of the save file (if the file does not exist it will be created), you
# can specify the path to an existing save file created by mtj-softtuner to
# continue from an earlier point in the training = "/content/my_softprompt.mtjsp"

# Set the initial soft prompt string, this will be ignored if we are continuing
# from an existing save file
initial_softprompt = (
    "Le Jeu du Prochain Train itself is simplicity in motion. The object: "
    "Be the last of your round's six to jump from one side of the tracks to "
    "the other - that is, across the tracks - before the train passes.\n\n"
) = "tokens"
tokenizer = trainer.get_tokenizer()
if == "s":  # Handle fairseq-style newlines if required
    initial_softprompt = initial_softprompt.replace("\n", "</s>") = tokenizer.encode(
    initial_softprompt, max_length=int(2e9), truncation=True

# Alternatively, you can uncomment the below two lines to instead use a randomly
# initialized prompt with 20 tokens in it: = "kaiming" = 20

# Or these two lines to use a prompt with 20 randomly sampled (without
# replacement) tokens from your model's vocabulary: = "vocab_sample" = 20

# Do this to generate an NPY file for your dataset if you haven't already done so
dataset_path = "/content/dataset.txt"  # Can be a single file or a folder
output_file = "/content/dataset.npy"
batch_size = 2048
epochs = 1
trainer.tokenize_dataset(dataset_path, output_file, batch_size, epochs)

dataset_file = output_file = dataset_file = 16

# Set training hyperparameters here; see the demo notebook for explanation of
# what these mean = {
    "lr": 3e-5,
    "max_grad_norm": 10.0,
    "weight_decay": 0.1,
    "warmup": 0.1,
    "end_lr_multiplier": 0.1,
    "save_every": 50,

# Now, begin training!

# Export to KoboldAI/mkultra format
output_file = "/content/"
name = "Untitled"
author = ""
supported = "Generic 6B"
description = "Baby shoes"
trainer.export_to_kobold(output_file, name, author, supported, description)
output_file = "/content/my_softprompt.json"
soft_prompt_name = "Untitled"
soft_prompt_description = "Baby shoes"
trainer.export_to_mkultra(output_file, soft_prompt_name, soft_prompt_description)