Let me introduce myself on vayel.github.io.
Create a Markdown file in _posts/publications
with a content such as:
title: ""
categories: publications
tags: french mathematics
source: Zeste de Savoir
custom_url: https://zestedesavoir.com/tutoriels/925/introduction-au-protocole-wamp-1/
description: "Markdown description here"
To mention a blog article published on another platform, create a Markdown
file in _posts/blog
with a content such as:
title: ""
categories: blog
tags: french mathematics
custom_url: https://zestedesavoir.com/tutoriels/925/introduction-au-protocole-wamp-1/
description: "Markdown description here"
To publish a blog article on this website (i.e. for users to read the article on
this website), create a Markdown file in _posts/blog
with a content such as:
title: ""
categories: blog
tags: french mathematics
description: "Markdown description here"
Markdown content of the article.
make install # Only once