- PHP ^7.0
- Laravel ^5.4
- AngularJS ^1.6
- Composer
- Yarn
- Download or clone this repo.
- Run:
$ cd TravelPlanner
$ composer install
$ cp .env.example .env
$ php artisan key:generate
- Edit .env file:
APP_URL=http://localhost #where the project is deployed
APP_LOCALE=es #default locale
DB_DATABASE=travel_planner #default database
DB_DATABASE_test=travel_planner_test #database for unit tests
EXCEPTION_REPORT_OVER_EMAIL=true #whether or not exceptions should be reported over email
EXCEPTION_REPORT_EMAIL= #email where exceptions should be reported
JWT_TTL=9600 #WebTokens Time To Live (minutes)
JWT_REFRESH_TTL=20160 #WebTokens Refreshing TTL (minutes)
JWT_BLACKLIST_ENABLED=true #whether or not WebTokens should be blacklisted
- Run:
$ php artisan migrate --seed
$ php artisan queue:listen& #& symbol releases the cli
$ cd angularjs
$ yarn
- Reffer to angularjs/Readme.md for further info
Travel Planner comes with a ready angularjs build, just run
$ php artisan serve
and open the browser at http://localhost:8000. Default admin user is:
- email: [email protected]
- password: secret
- Reffer to angularjs/Readme.md for further info
There is only php unit tests fo backend. Make sure to have DB_DATABASE_TEST in both .env and phpunit.xml files configured and correctly migrated
$ php artisan migrate --seed --database=mysql-test
For tests, run:
$ vendor/bin/phpunit