Run commands and call functions when bundles are generated
npm i -D rollup-plugin-command
// rollup.config.js
import command from 'rollup-plugin-command';
export default {
// ...
plugins: [
// ...
command(`node tests.js`, options),
// ...
The options are, of course, optional.
`npm test`, // The next command will not be executed until this
// one is finished.
require('./scripts/cleanup').someFunc, // If this returns a
// promise, and `options.wait` is true (it's false by default), this
// plugin will wait for it to be resolved before moving on to the
// next command or finishing the build.
{ exitOnFail: true }
); // Default for options.exitOnFail is false.
interface CommandOptions {
exitOnFail?: boolean; // (Only applies when one of the given commands
// is a string) Exit the current process when the child process fails.
// Default is false.
once?: boolean; // (Only valid when rollup is in watch mode) If the
// commands should be executed only the first time a bundle is built.
// Default is false.
wait?: boolean; // If the the build should wait for the commands to
// be executed. Default is false.
I hope you find this package usefull!