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RustDesk Custom Installer Builder for Windows

This repository provides PowerShell scripts to build a custom RustDesk installer for Windows. The scripts allow you to compile RustDesk from source, with the flexibility to specify different versions or use a custom GitHub repository.


Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed on your system:

  1. Windows PowerShell: The scripts are written in PowerShell, so you'll need a Windows environment to run them.

  2. Winget (Windows Package Manager): This is required to install some dependencies. Ensure that you have winget installed along with the App Installer package from Microsoft Store.

    • To check if winget is installed, open a PowerShell window and type:

      winget --version
    • If winget is not installed or you encounter any issues, you can refer to the Winget Troubleshooting Guide for assistance.

Repository Contents

  • tools.ps1: This script installs the necessary toolchain and dependencies:

    • Git (v2.41.0)
    • Visual Studio 2022 Build Tools
    • Rust (x86_64-pc-windows-msvc)
    • VCPKG with required libraries
    • LLVM (v15.0.6)
    • Flutter (v3.19.6)
    • Python (v3.11.4)
  • build_custom.ps1: This script handles the actual building process with the following configurations:

    • Flutter version: 3.19.6
    • Flutter Rust Bridge version: 1.80.1
    • Support for both RustDesk 1.2.X and 1.3.X build formats
    • Optional custom settings for RS_PUB_KEY and RENDEZVOUS_SERVER


Step 1: Set Up the Toolchain

  1. Run tools.ps1:

    • This script sets up all necessary tools and dependencies for building RustDesk.
    • Important: After running this script, CLOSE and REOPEN your PowerShell session to reload the environment variables.

Step 2: Build the RustDesk Installer

  1. Run build_custom.ps1:

  2. Custom Settings (Optional):

    • To use custom settings, uncomment and modify these lines in build_custom.ps1:
      # [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('RS_PUB_KEY','<<key>>',"Machine");
      # [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('RENDEZVOUS_SERVER','<<yourownserver>>',"Machine");
  3. Build Options:

    • For RustDesk 1.3.X:
      python.exe --portable --flutter --feature IddDriver hwcodec
    • For RustDesk 1.2.X:
      python.exe --portable --hwcodec --flutter --feature IddDriver


The build process will create:

  1. First run: Standard RustDesk installer
  2. Second run: Portable version of RustDesk

Directory Structure

The scripts use the following directory structure:

  • C:\download: Temporary directory for downloaded files
  • C:\buildrustdesk: Main build directory
  • C:\libs: Directory for additional libraries

Build Options

Using build_custom.ps1

# Run the build script

This script provides a complete build solution with:

  • Automatic memory optimization
  • Directory creation and cleanup
  • Flutter environment preparation
  • Proper DLL management
  • Streamlined build process
  • Enhanced error handling
  • Comprehensive logging

The script will guide you through the entire build process, handling all necessary setup and configuration automatically.


  1. Environment Variables: If you encounter path-related issues, ensure you've reopened PowerShell after running tools.ps1.

  2. Build Errors:

    • Ensure all dependencies are properly installed
    • Check if the correct Flutter version (3.19.6) is being used
    • Verify that VCPKG_ROOT and LIBCLANG_PATH are correctly set
  3. Winget Issues: For winget-related problems, refer to the Winget Troubleshooting Guide.

Build Instructions (English)


  • Windows OS
  • PowerShell
  • Visual Studio Build Tools 2022
  • LLVM
  • Python
  • Git
  • Flutter SDK
  • Rust toolchain

Build Steps

  1. Environment Setup

    • Sets environment variables for LIBCLANG_PATH
    • Configures memory limits for Dart VM and Node.js
    • Sets up Rust backtrace for debugging
  2. Directory Preparation

    • Creates download directory at C:\download
    • Creates build directory at C:\buildrustdesk
    • Clones RustDesk repository if not present
  3. Flutter Environment

    • Cleans Flutter environment
    • Removes temporary files and caches
    • Runs pub get to fetch dependencies
    • Generates necessary code using build_runner
  4. Bridge Generation

    • Installs flutter_rust_bridge_codegen
    • Generates bridge code between Rust and Flutter
    • Rebuilds after bridge generation
  5. DLL Setup

    • Extracts WindowInjection.dll from local zip file
    • Copies DLL to the release directory
  6. Build Process

    • Runs the Python build script with portable and Flutter options
    • Copies necessary runtime DLLs
    • Creates final executable in release directory

Bouwinstructies (Nederlands)


  • Windows besturingssysteem
  • PowerShell
  • Visual Studio Build Tools 2022
  • LLVM
  • Python
  • Git
  • Flutter SDK
  • Rust toolchain


  1. Omgeving Instellen

    • Stelt omgevingsvariabelen in voor LIBCLANG_PATH
    • Configureert geheugenlimieten voor Dart VM en Node.js
    • Stelt Rust backtrace in voor debugging
  2. Directory Voorbereiding

    • Maakt download directory aan op C:\download
    • Maakt build directory aan op C:\buildrustdesk
    • Kloont RustDesk repository indien niet aanwezig
  3. Flutter Omgeving

    • Schoont Flutter omgeving op
    • Verwijdert tijdelijke bestanden en caches
    • Voert pub get uit om afhankelijkheden op te halen
    • Genereert benodigde code met build_runner
  4. Bridge Generatie

    • Installeert flutter_rust_bridge_codegen
    • Genereert bridge code tussen Rust en Flutter
    • Herbouwt na bridge generatie
  5. DLL Configuratie

    • Pakt WindowInjection.dll uit van lokaal zip bestand
    • Kopieert DLL naar de release directory
  6. Bouwproces

    • Voert het Python bouwscript uit met portable en Flutter opties
    • Kopieert benodigde runtime DLLs
    • Maakt definitieve executable in release directory


Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and submit a pull request with your changes.


Rustdesk Builder For Windows






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