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Vertex Web Monorepo

Welcome to the Vertex Web repo. This is a monorepo that contains our front-end tooling at Vertex.


  • ./packages: The packages to be made available on NPM. This directory contains subdirectories that represent different categories of packages:

    • ./tools: The tools directory contains tooling libraries. Examples of these would be sharable tools to compile projects to JS or sharable linting configuration.
  • ./scripts: The scripts directory contains Bash scripts for managing the project.

Setup & Installing

  1. Clone the repo. git clone [email protected]:Vertexvis/vertex-web-tools.git
  2. Install top-level dependencies. yarn install
  3. Bootstrap the project. yarn bootstrap

VS Code Workspaces

This repository contains a script to generate a VS Code workspace file. With VS Code workspaces, extensions are run within the context of sub-projects, so features like Jest debugging still work.

The workspace file will be created automatically when running yarn install. Otherwise you can generate the file manually by running yarn generate:vscode-workspace.

Running code ./vertex-web-tools.code-workspace will open VS Code workspace.


The project exposes a top-level script to build (yarn build) any project that exposes a build NPM script.

Running a yarn build at the top-level will run lerna run build, which will execute any NPM build script for each package specified in the lerna.json file.

Formatting & Linting

The project exposes two top-level scripts to format (yarn format) and lint (yarn lint) using lerna run to execute any NPM lint or format scripts present for each package.

These scripts are run during CI builds and will fail your build if it contains unformatted code or lint errors.


The project exposes a top-level script to test (yarn test) using lerna run to execute any NPM test scripts present for each package.

Additionally, the project exposes a top-level script to check code coverage (yarn test:coverage).

Publishing NPM packages

Changes to packages are not automatically released based on the initial PR that introduces them. In order to release a set of changes, the ./scripts/ script can be used (from master) to update package versions. This script will run yarn release, which will use a CLI wizard provided through lerna version to allow you to perform the version updates to each changed package.

Once the version changes have been configured, the script will push up a release branch. The branch will be named release-{{ timestamp }}, and contain a single "Release Changes" commit, which will indicate the versions that will be changed when merged.

This branch can then be merged into master, and uses to publish changed packages to NPM, in addition to pushing up a new tag for each version change.


Versioning changes should be based on semver. If your package has not reached a 1.0 milestone, semver rules should still apply, but minor will be treated as major and patch will be treated as minor.