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By Vesly

Special thanks:

Norikins, Mimikyudis, GeorgeCalibur, AthenaBaer
Circles for the 2018 FE8 Self Randomizer as a reference.
FE8U Decomp Contributors, as many functions were copied from the decomp.
Gringe: FE6 translation used with permission (FE6 only).


Casual Mode: Circles, 7743
Danger Zone: Circles
Unlock Mode Select: Doesnt
Tutorial Disabler: 7743
Fix REDAs: 7743
BattleStatsAnimsOff: Tequila
HP Bars: Circles, Tequila
Show Heal Amount: Tequila
Hard Mode Unlock: 7743
Skip Intro: Gryz
L Button Cycling: Aurawolf
Colour Hue Function: Huichelaar
Minimug Palette Fix: Huichelaar
Handaxe Wildcard: 7743
Droppable Item Icon GFX: Scraiza
Animation Numbers: Huichelaar
MMB: Zane (FE8 only)
Support Hearts: Vesly, Gamma, 7743 (FE8 only)

UI: Vesly, Hypergammaspaces, Sokaballa, Pikmin1211, Stephano, Fenreir, Eretein

Battle animations:

Alm_T1 animation by Nuramon, HyperGammaSpaces
Alm_T2 animation by Nuramon
Ike_Lord animation by xxx_Drama
Ike_Ranger animation by Mikey, Khrene, Khardros
Leif_Lord animation by Obsidian_Daddy, Jj09
Marth_Slash animation by Caim Van Fang, Seliost1
Seliph animation by Obsidian, Zoramine, Eretein
T1_Lancer animation by Memae, Skitty, BwdYeti, MOJ
Trueblade animation by Dinar87, RobertFPY
Katarina_Fencer animation by GabrielKnight, 7743
Dragoon animation by MercLord, NYZGamer, Maiser6
Lancer_by_SALVAGED animation by SALVAGED
Militia animation by Alusq
Halberdier animation by TheBlindArcher, Spud, MOJ
Mounted_Marauder animation by Spud
Sentinel animation by Nuramon, Craigrandall55
Warbird animation by Alexsplode
Supplier_Anna animation by DAT, JonoTheRed, Sable Mage
Baron animation by TBA, St jack, Flasuban, Sax-M
Brighid animation by Sphealnuke
Flail_Knight animation by JonoTheRed, ZoramineFae
Gladiator animation by Waleed, Pushwall, L_Tweed, Zane
Harbinger animation by Nuramon, Linkain, JJ09, Gabr
Heavy_Infantry animation by Nuramon, Seliost1
Legion_King animation by Huichelaar, Obsidian_Daddy
Mercenary_by_SALVAGED animation by SALVAGED
Phantom_by_TBA animation by TheBlindArcher, Arch, Skitty, Temp
War_Cleric animation by SkidMarc25
Adventurer animation by Itranc, Nuramon, Leo_Link
Fletchling animation by RenOokami, knabepicer
Hunter animation by RenOokami, Knabepicer
Merlinus_Transport animation by Spud, N426, knabepicer
Miko animation by Red Bean, Sable Mage
Skeleton_Rider animation by Sme
Angel animation by Atey, Reyk_Retro0337
Arcanist_by_Devisian_Nights animation by Devisian_Nights, Jey the Count
Arcanist_by_Nuramon animation by Nuramon
Cantor_Jedah animation by Nuramon
Cantor_by animation by Nuramon, Leo_Link
Dark_Prince animation by Obsidian, Rexacuse, Leo Link
Dread_Fighter animation by Nuramon
Executioner animation by Huichelaar, Konami
FE8_Tethys animation by Circles, Marlon0024, Kao, Rubenio
Gaiden_Priestess animation by HyperGammaSpace, Jono
Kishuna animation by Spud, noonog
Magician animation by Devisian_Nights, Pikmin1211
Occultist animation by Devvy, Pikmin, Wan, Tsushima
Parson animation by Devisian_Nights
PupilReskin animation by Pikmin1211
Red_Mage_by_Reyk animation by Linkain, Reyk_Retro0337
Red_mage_by_Mycahel animation by Mycahel, Dededester, 7743
Tactician animation by SALVAGED
Tomes animation by N426
Witch animation by HyperGammaSpaces, Nuramon
Egyptian animation by Tarantino500, FahadRashid327
Elffin_Fancy animation by MeatOfJustice
Chicken animation by Eldritch
Mosquito animation by Suikoden, Dutch Introvert
Sandworm animation by Stephano, WayForward
Slime animation by Yellowtoad
Cursed_Sword animation by DerTheVaporeon, SALVAGED
Fellbeast animation by Nuramon
BlackDragon animation by Nuramon
GrandMahout animation by Orihara, SHYUTERz, Camus, DAT
Djinn animation by Alexsplode
LivingArmor animation by Sphealnuke
Boxer animation by ShadowAllyX, Neph
Enchanter animation by Dora Drago

Map sprites:

AngelSMS by Unknown
ArcanistSMS by Norikins
BaronSMS by Topazlight, Nuramon, Its_Just_Jay
BlackDragonSMS by L95
CantorSMS by Ryn
BoxerSMS by ShadowAllyX
BrighidSMS by Shin19
Cantor2SMS by Norikins
ChickenSMS by Pikmin1211
CursedSwordSMS by Der
DarkPrinceSMS by Stephano, Zane, Norikins DjinnSMS by Alexsplode
DragoonSMS by Pikmin, Unknown
DreadFighterSMS by Nuramon
EnchanterSMS by Ninja, Der
ExecutionerSMS by Huichelaar, Lexou
FE15MyrmidonSMS by Nuramon
FellbeastSMS by Faeriefruit
FencerSMS by AnnoyingAnon
FlailKnightSMS by L95, Stephano
FletchlingSMS by Knabepicer, NightBloodKT
GladiatorSMS by Pikmin, L95, Pushwall
GrandMahoutSMS by Camus, SHYUTERz, Orihara, Dat
HarbingerSMS by SD9K
HalberdierSMS by TBA
HeavyInfantrySMS by Snewping
HunterSMS by MeatOfJustice, Knabepicer
IkeSMS by Vanguard, Unknown
LegionKingSMS by L95, Pikmin, Der, Huichelaar
LivingArmorSMS by Sphealnuke, Topazlight
SeliphLordSMS by Stephano, Zane, Norikins
MarthLordSMS by DominusVobiscum, Snewping
GenericLordSMS by Leif
AwakeningMageSMS by Blood
GaidenStyleMageSMS by TAS20XX
MagicianSMS by TyTheBub
MarauderSMS by Blademaster
MercenarySMS by Flasuban
MikoSMS by Sphealnuke
MilitiaSMS by Alusq
MogallSMS by Haifried
MosquitoSMS by Dutch_Introvert
NobleSMS by Redbean
ParsonSMS by Topazlight
PhantomSMS by Pushwall
PupilSMS by ArcherBias
RedMageSMS by Topazlight, Unknown
MagicianSMS by BBHood217
SandwormSMS by Norikins
SentinelSMS by Aruka, Kenpu
OccultistSMS by DevisianNights, Pikmin
SlimeSMS by Yellowtoad
SupplierSMS by N426, Erukolindo
TacticianSMS by SALVAGED
TomeSMS by N426
WarbirdSMS by Unknown, Alexsplode
WarClericSMS by SkidMarc25
WitchSMS by Aruka_Kenpu

AngelMMS by Unknown
ArcanistMMS by Norikins
BaronMMS by Nuramon, Jay, Ryn
BlackDragonMMS by L95
BonewalkerMMS by Cantor, GaidenStyle, Ryn, N426
BoxerMMS by ShadowAllyX
BrighidMMS by Shin19
CantorMMS by Norikins
ChickenMMS by Pikmin1211
CursedSwordMMS by Der
DarkPrinceMMS by Stephano, Zane
DjinnMMS by Alexsplode
DragoonMMS by Pikmin, Unknown
DreadFighterMMS by Nuramon
EnchanterMMS by Der
ExecutionerMMS by Huichelaar, Lexou
FE15MyrmidonMMS by Nuramon
FellbeastMMS by Faeriefruit
FencerMMS by AnnoyingAnon
FlailKnightMMS by L95, Stephano
FletchlingMMS by MeatOfJustice
GladiatorMMS by Pikmin, L95, Pushwall
GrandMahoutMMS by CamusZekeSirius, SHYUTERz, Orihara, Dat
HarbingerMMS by SD9K
HalberdierMMS by TBA
HeavyInfantryMMS by Ephraim, Snewping
HunterMMS by MeatOfJustice, Knabepicer
IkeMMS by Unknown
LegionKingMMS by L95, Pikmin, Der, Huichelaar
LivingArmorMMS by RedFlame, Sphealnuke, Topazlight
SeliphLordMMS by Stephano, Zane
MarthLordMMS by DominusVobiscum, Snewping
GenericLordMMS by Leif
AwakeningMageMMS by Blood
GaidenStyleMageMMS by TAS20XX
MagicianMMS by TyTheBub
MarauderMMS by Blademaster
MercenaryMMS by Flasuban
MikoMMS by Sphealnuke
MilitiaMMS by Alusq
MogallMMS by JockeyBow, Haifried
MosquitoMMS by DutchIntrovert
NobleMMS by Edelgard, Redbean
ParsonMMS by CapedStaff, Topazlight
PupilMMS by ArcherBias
RedMageMMS by Topazlight, Unknown
SageMMS by Magician, BBHood217
SandwormMMS by Norikins
SentinelMMS by ArukaKenpu
ShamanMMS by DevisianNights, Pikmin
SlimeMMS by Yellowtoad
SupplierMMS by N426, Erukolindo
TacticianMMS by SALVAGED
TomeMMS by N426
WarbirdMMS by Unknown, Alexsplode
WarClericMMS by SkidMarc25
WitchMMS by ArukaKenpu


// fe1 / fe3 / remakes
Marth portrait by Lenh
Jagen portrait by Thorn
Caeda portrait by Nickt, Blueyguy
Cain portrait by Xenith, Nickt, Blaze
Abel portrait by LuminescentBlade
Draug portrait by Thorn
Gordin portrait by Thorn
Wrys portrait by Thorn
Ogma portrait by Thorn
Barst portrait by Thorn
Bord (no art credited)
Cord portrait by Frigid, Nickt, Glaceo
Darros portrait by FEier
Castor portrait by Thorn
Lena portrait by Thorn
Julian portrait by Thorn
Navarre portrait by BuskHusker
Matthis portrait by Thorn
Merric portrait by Thorn
Hardin portrait by Thorn
Wolf portrait by Thorn
Sedgar portrait by Thorn, AlemOwl
Roshea portrait by Thorn
Vyland portrait by Zmr, Peer, Blueey, Nickt
Wendell portrait by Thorn
Rickard portrait by Thorn
Bantu portrait by Thorn
Caesar portrait by Thorn
Radd portrait by Thorn
Roger portrait by Thorn
Jeorge portrait by Thorn
Maria portrait by BuskHusker
Minerva portrait by BuskHusker
Linde portrait by MK404
Jake portrait by Thorn
Boah portrait by Thorn
Tomas portrait by Thorn
Dolph portrait by Thorn
Macellan portrait by Thorn
Midia portrait by Thorn
Beck portrait by Thorn
Astram portrait by GratedShtick, Cardcafe, Nickt, CranJam
Palla portrait by RedBean
Catria portrait by RedBean
Samson portrait by Thorn
Arran portrait by Thorn
Xane portrait by Thorn
Est portrait by RedBean
Tiki portrait by BatimaTheBat
Lorenz portrait by Sterling_Glovner
Elice portrait by Thorn
Gotoh portrait by Thorn
Frey portrait by Thorn
Norne portrait by MK404
Athena portrait by Redbean
Horace portrait by Garytop
Etzel portrait by Thorn
Ymir portrait by Thorn
Nagi portrait by Thorn
Cecil portrait by Obsidian_Daddy
Marisha portrait by RedBean
Warren portrait by Thorn, AthenaBaer
Yuliya portrait by DonkinDo
Jubelo portrait by Rohan
Sirius portrait by Atey
Samuel portrait by Renoud, Xenith, Blueeyguy, Card, FEier, Nickt
Phina portrait by BatimaTheBat
Arlen portrait by Kanna
Sheena portrait by BuskHusker
Frost portrait by SaintRubenio
Dice portrait by Emperor_Haardin
Malice portrait by LuminescentBlade
Camus portrait by Garytop
Kris portrait by Atey, Arcth
Katarina portrait by Obsidian_Daddy
Michalis portrait by BuskHusker
Nyna portrait by Thorn
Belf portrait by HunterAurzo
Luke portrait by HunterAurzo
Reiden portrait by HunterAurzo
Roberto portrait by HunterAurzo
Roderick portrait by HunterAurzo
Ryan portrait by HunterAurzo

// fe4
Sigurd portrait by Atey
Naoise portrait by Obsidian_Daddy
Alec portrait by Atey
Arden portrait by Marymory
Quan portrait by Garytop
Ethlin portrait by WAve
Fin portrait by Melia
Lex portrait by Sterling Glovner
Azel portrait by WAve
Midayle portrait by Zoisite
Edain portrait by TAS20XX
Dew portrait by [Unknown Artist]
Ayra portrait by LuminescentBlade
Deirdre portrait by Atey, Wasdye
Jamka portrait by Nobody
Holyn portrait by Atey, Melia, Renoud
Lachesis portrait by Obsidian_Daddy
Levin portrait by Atey
Sylvia portrait by TAS20XX
Fury portrait by Sterling Glovner
Beowolf portrait by Eden
Briggid portrait by Redbean
Claude portrait by Atey
Tiltyu portrait by Atey
Mana portrait by Melia
Creidne portrait by Melia
Roddlevan portrait by Melia
Oifey portrait by Melia
Tristan portrait by Melia
Dimna portrait by Melia
Julia portrait by Atey
Fee portrait by Melia
Amid portrait by Melia
Johan portrait by Melia
Johalva portrait by Melia
Shanan portrait by Melia
Daisy portrait by Melia
Jeanne portrait by Melia
Aless portrait by Melia
Laylea portrait by Melia
Linda portrait by Gator
Asaello portrait by Melia
Hawk portrait by Sterling Glovner
Hannibal portrait by Melia
Sharlow portrait by Melia

// fe5
Leif portrait by Melia
Finn portrait by Melia
Eyvel portrait by Melia
Halvan portrait by Sterling Glovner
Osian portrait by Sterling Glovner
Dagdar portrait by CanDy
Tanya portrait by Wasdye
Marty portrait by Vilkalizer
Ronan portrait by Miguel Rojo
Lifis portrait by Melia
Safy portrait by Melia
Brighton portrait by Sterling Glovner
Machyua portrait by Melia
Lara portrait by Melia
Fergus portrait by CranJam
Karin portrait by Melia
Dalsin portrait by Melia
Asbel portrait by Melia
Nanna portrait by Zelkami
Hicks portrait by Sterling_Glovner
Shiva portrait by Atey, Renoud
Carrion portrait by Ganondorf
Selphina portrait by Melia
Cain2 portrait by Dongus
Alva portrait by Dongus
Robert portrait by Dongus
Fred portrait by Melia
Olwen portrait by Garytop
Mareeta portrait by CavalryUnits
Salem portrait by [Unknown Artist]
Perne portrait by Sterling Glovner
Tina portrait by WiiSportsRemote
Troude portrait by Sterling Glovner
Glade portrait by squidaccus
Deen portrait by Atey
Eda portrait by Atey
Homer portrait by Wasdye
Linoan portrait by Linoan
Ralph portrait by Sterling_Glovner
Ilios portrait by Obsidian_Daddy
Sleuf portrait by [Unknown Artist]
Misha portrait by claire45
Sara portrait by [Unknown Artist]
Shannam portrait by Melia
Miranda portrait by Sterling_Glovner
Xavier portrait by TheGreatNothing
Amalda portrait by Sterling_Glovner
Conomor portrait by Sterling_Glovner
Diarmuid portrait by Melia
Salas portrait by Atey, Arcth
Ced portrait by Melia
Galzus portrait by Stitch

FE6 portrait blinking frames by Lenh, Obsidian_Daddy

// fe9/fe10

Ike portrait by Caringcarrot
Titania portrait by Nickt, Stitch
Oscar portrait by Nickt, Stitch
Boyd portrait by Nickt, Stitch
Rhys portrait by Nickt, Stitch
Shinon portrait by Nickt, Stitch
Gatrie portrait by Quotedotlass, ElectricSerge, Trybel
Soren portrait by Quotedotlass, Electric_Serge
Mia portrait by Quotedotlass, Electric_Serge
Ilyana portrait by Nickt, Stitch
Marcia portrait by Quotedotlass
Mist portrait by Quotedotlass, Electric_Serge
Rolf portrait by Quotedotlass, Electric_Serge
Lethe portrait by Nickt, Stitch
Mordecai portrait by Nickt, Stitch
Volke portrait by Nickt, Stitch
Kieran portrait by Nickt, Stitch
Brom portrait by Nickt, Stitch
Nephenee portrait by Nickt, Stitch
Zihark portrait by Nickt, Stitch
Jill portrait by Nickt, Stitch
Sothe portrait by Nickt, Stitch
Astrid portrait by Nickt, Stitch
Makalov portrait by Nickt, Stitch
Stefan portrait by Quotedotlass, Mattiator
Muarim portrait by Nickt, Stitch
Tormod portrait by Nickt, Stitch
Devdan portrait by Nickt, Stitch
Tanith portrait by Nickt, Ghostblade
Reyson portrait by Nickt, Stitch
Janaff portrait by Nickt, Stitch
Ulki portrait by Nickt, Stitch
Calill portrait by Nickt, Stitch
Tauroneo portrait by Nickt, Stitch
Ranulf portrait by Nickt, Stitch
Haar portrait by Nickt, Stitch
Lucia portrait by Quotedotlass, Electric_Serge
Bastian portrait by Nickt, Stitch
Geoffrey portrait by Nickt, Stitch
Largo portrait by Nickt, Stitch
Elincia portrait by Nickt, Stitch
Ena portrait by Nickt, Stitch
Nasir portrait by Nickt, Stitch
Tibarn portrait by Nickt, Stitch
Naesala portrait by Nickt, Stitch
Giffca portrait by Nickt, Stitch
Micaiah portrait by Nickt, Stitch
Edward portrait by Nickt, Stitch
Leonardo portrait by Nickt, Stitch
Nolan portrait by Nickt, Stitch
Laura portrait by Nickt, Stitch
Aran portrait by Nickt, Stitch
Fiona portrait by Nickt, Stitch
Pelleas portrait by Quotedotlass, Electric_Serge
Jarod portrait by Quotedotlass, Electric_Serge
Izuka (no art credited)
Heather portrait by Alex_the_Retrogamer
Leanne portrait by Quotedotlass, Electric_Serge
Vika portrait by Quotedotlass, Ghostblade
Nailah portrait by Nickt, Stitch
Rafiel portrait by Nickt, Stitch
Kyza portrait by Quotedotlass
Lyre portrait by Quotedotlass
Caineghis portrait by Nickt, Stitch
Kurthnaga portrait by Nickt, Stitch
Gareth portrait by Nickt, Stitch
Meg portrait by Nickt, Stitch
Volug portrait by Nickt, Stitch

// fe13

Robin portrait by Lonkfromcalifornia
Chrom portrait by Atey, Wasdye
Frederick portrait by Garytop
Lissa portrait by Garytop
Virion portrait by Garytop
Sully portrait by Garytop
Vaike portrait by Garytop
Stahl portrait by Garytop
Miriel portrait by Garytop
Kellam portrait by Garytop
Sumia portrait by BatimaTheBat
Lon'qu portrait by Garytop
Ricken portrait by Atey
Maribelle portrait by Garytop
Panne portrait by Garytop
Gaius portrait by Garytop
Cordelia portrait by Garytop
Gregor portrait by Garytop
Nowi portrait by Garytop
Libra portrait by RedBean
Tharja portrait by Garytop
Olivia portrait by RedBean
Cherche portrait by BuskHusker
Henry portrait by Garytop
Lucina portrait by TheImperialKnight
Say'ri portrait by Obsidian_Daddy
Basilio portrait by Garytop
Flavia portrait by Garytop
Donnel portrait by Garytop
Owain portrait by BatimaTheBat
Inigo portrait by CavalryUnits
Brady portrait by Garytop
Kjelle portrait by Garytop
Cynthia portrait by Garytop
Severa portrait by Garytop
Gerome portrait by Garytop
Morgan portrait by RedBean
Yarne portrait by Garytop
Laurent portrait by Garytop
Noire portrait by Garytop
Nah portrait by Garytop
Tiki (FE13) portrait by BatimaTheBat
Gangrel portrait by Garytop
Walhart portrait by Garytop
Emmeryn portrait by Garytop
Yen'fay portrait by Garytop
Aversa portrait by Garytop
Priam portrait by Garytop

// fe14

Corrin_M portrait by Lenh
Corrin_F portrait by SomeDenseGuy
Gunter portrait by Sterling_Glovner
Felicia portrait by JeyTheCount
Jakob portrait by JeyTheCount
Rinkah portrait by JeyTheCount
Kaze portrait by Garytop
Sakura portrait by Fenriel
Azura portrait by BatimaTheBat
Hana portrait by JeyTheCount
Subaki portrait by Blade
Silas portrait by JeyTheCount
Saizo portrait by Garytop
Orochi portrait by Garytop
Hinoka portrait by Garytop
Azama portrait by Garytop
Setsuna portrait by ThePontusAndersson
Hayato portrait by Garytop
Oboro portrait by Atey
Hinata portrait by Sterling_Glovner
Takumi portrait by Fenriel
Kagero portrait by Nobody
Reina portrait by Garytop
Kaden portrait by VelvetKitsune
Ryoma portrait by Garytop
Scarlet portrait by JeyTheCount
Shura portrait by cardcafe
Elise portrait by JeyTheCount
Arthur portrait by SatoshiKura
Effie portrait by JeyTheCount
Odin (no art credited)
Niles portrait by Garytop
Nyx portrait by Nobody
Camilla portrait by JeyTheCount
Selena (no art credited)
Beruka portrait by Garytop
Laslow portrait by BatimaTheBat
Peri portrait by JeyTheCount
Benny portrait by JeyTheCount
Charlotte portrait by Garytop
Leo portrait by Glaceo
Keaton portrait by Garytop
Xander portrait by Garytop
Izana portrait by Garytop
Fuga portrait by Renoud
Yukimura (no art credited)
Flora portrait by Garytop
Mozu portrait by Nobody
Kana_M (no art credited)
Kana_F portrait by Sterling_Glovner
Shigure portrait by Lenh
Dwyer (no art credited)
Sophie portrait by Sterling_Glovner
Midori portrait by Nobody
Shiro (no art credited)
Kiragi portrait by Sterling_Glovner
Asugi (no art credited)
Selkie portrait by Sterling_Glovner
Hisame portrait by Renoud
Mitama portrait by Sterling_Glovner
Caeldori (no art credited)
Rhajat (no art credited)
Siegbert (no art credited)
Forrest (no art credited)
Ignatius portrait by JeyTheCount
Velouria (no art credited)
Percy (no art credited)
Ophelia (no art credited)
Soleil portrait by Zorua
Nina portrait by JeyTheCount

// fe15

Alm portrait by Atey
Lukas portrait by Blade
Gray portrait by GabrielKnight
Tobin portrait by GabrielKnight
Kliff portrait by GabrielKnight
Silque portrait by Blade
Clair (no art credited)
Clive (no art credited)
Forsyth (no art credited)
Python portrait by Norikins
Luthier (no art credited)
Mathilda portrait by BuskHusker
Delthea portrait by RedBean
Tatiana (no art credited)
Zeke portrait by Garytop
Mycen (no art credited)
Faye (no art credited)
Celica portrait by Atey
Mae (no art credited)
Boey (no art credited)
Genny portrait by Orihara_Saki
Saber portrait by What-Is-An-Aubin
Valbar (no art credited)
Kamui (no art credited)
Leon (no art credited)
Palla (FE15) (no art credited)
Catria (FE15) (no art credited)
Atlas (no art credited)
Jesse (no art credited)
Sonya portrait by Wasdye
Deen (FE15) (no art credited)
Est (FE15) portrait by Plant Academy
Nomah (no art credited)
Conrad (no art credited)

// fe16

Byleth_M portrait by Sterling_Glovner
Byleth_F portrait by Glaciemnox
Edelgard portrait by Redbean
Dimitri portrait by Melia
Claude portrait by Melia, CranJam
Hubert portrait by Raymond
Ferdinand portrait by MeatOfJustice
Linhardt portrait by HyperGammaSpaces
Caspar portrait by Glaciemnox
Bernadetta portrait by Garytop
Dorothea portrait by Glaciemnox
Petra portrait by Glaciemnox
Dedue portrait by Glaciemnox
Felix portrait by Melia, Renoud
Ashe portrait by Glaciemnox
Sylvain portrait by CavalryUnits
Mercedes portrait by Blade
Annette portrait by Yasako
Ingrid (no art credited)
Lorenz (FE16) portrait by Tobiki
Raphael portrait by Stitch
Ignatz portrait by Glaciemnox
Lysithea portrait by RedBean
Marianne portrait by Garytop
Hilda (FE16) portrait by Garytop
Leonie portrait by Tobiki
Seteth portrait by Glaciemnox
Flayn portrait by Redbean
Hanneman portrait by Glaciemnox
Manuela portrait by Garytop
Gilbert portrait by Glaciemnox
Alois portrait by UltraxBlade
Catherine portrait by Garytop
Shamir portrait by Wasdye
Cyril (no art credited)

// fe17

AlearM portrait by CavalryUnits
AlearF portrait by JeyTheCount
Vander (no art credited)
Clanne (no art credited)
Framme (no art credited)
Alfred (no art credited)
Etie portrait by KingCrimson, AthenaBaer
Boucheron (no art credited)
Celine (no art credited)
Chloe (no art credited)
Louis (no art credited)
Yunaka portrait by RedBean
Alcryst (no art credited)
Citrinne portrait by CavalryUnits
Lapis portrait by Thorn
Diamant (no art credited)
Amber portrait by Sterling_Glovner
Jade portrait by Sterling_Glovner
Ivy portrait by KingCrimson
Kagetsu portrait by Tobiki
Zelkov (no art credited)
Fogado (no art credited)
Pandreo (no art credited)
Bunet (no art credited)
Timerra (no art credited)
Panette (no art credited)
Merrin portrait by Tobiki
Hortensia (no art credited)
Seadall (no art credited)
Rosado (no art credited)
Goldmary portrait by Stitch
Lindon portrait by FEier
Saphir portrait by Garytop
Veyle portrait by Sterling_Glovner
Mauvier (no art credited)
Anna2 (no art credited)
Jean (no art credited)
Nel (no art credited)
Rafal (no art credited)
Zelestia (no art credited)
Gregory (no art credited)
Madeline (no art credited)
Morva (no art credited)


No description, website, or topics provided.






No releases published


No packages published