Automate and connect proven DeFi protocols, for everyday investors to simply:
- earn more
- risk less
- save time and money.
This project builds upon our EthGlobal 2021 submission that had us automate a liquidity provisioning vault for Uniswap V3. Using a 50/50 allocation that leverages concentrated liquidity but rebalances with no fees or permanent loss. In the previous version, we solved this vault design by integrating with Compound and using the lending pool as a reserve in order to rebalance our position in V3 and avoid swap fees. In EthDenver 2022 we want to see if we could achieve and solve three challenges:
- Use Squeeth to hedge impermanent loss of automated market making.
- Use Aave flash loans to create a ETH short for delta neutrality.
- Improve UI landing page
During EthDenver we used Aave V3 flash loans to open up to a 4x short on Aave on ETH used to hedge delta risk. Similarly used flash loans to unwind these short positions.
- 0xfab1d0953b821aca6c5722df8c17abf61dd7663c6ca7cbdc8902c9ce3b3a2ce7
- 0x9dbf3c6f0aebfd6a12e4ddc3984d023a28cd552285a95622a9e3f5133048eeac
Used Eth price feed from chain link in the getPrice
method of
Used The Graph to query subgraphs from UniswapV3 for Eth and oSqueeth pricing, Aave for interest rates, Squeeth for funding rates. Dumped data into a google sheet to help model strategy
Used for all testing to deploy and sign transactions, setting up Rinkeby test UniswapV3 pool with Aave's test USDC and WEth.