Still needs to be updated with better documentation
Download repo into the Yiiroot/protected/Extensions folder
Add the following lines in Yiiroot/protected/config/main.php config file
'components' => array( 'singly' => array( 'class' => 'ext.yii-singly.Singly', 'CLIENT_ID' => YOUR_KEY_HERE, 'CLIENT_SECRET' => YOUR_SECRET_HERE, 'REDIRECT_URI' => YOUR_REDIRECT_URI_HERE, ), ),
Now you can just do this to get login url
At your redirect uri
will log your user in and keep the Session stored
Get user's profile photo
$name = Yii::app()->singly->fetchcustom('/profile'); $user->name = $name['result']['thumbnail_url'];
Post to User's facebook
Yii::app()->singly->fetch('/types/statuses', array('to'=>'facebook', 'body'=>STATUS MESSAGE HERE), 'POST');