The Hierarchical Attention Network is a novel deep learning architecture that takes advantage of the hierarchical structure of documents to construct a detailed representation of the document. As words form sentences and sentences form the document, the Hierarchical Attention Network�s representation of the document uses this hierarchy in order to determine what sentences and what words in those sentences are most important in the classification of the document as a whole.
Figure 1: Hierarchical Attention Network Architecture Zichao (1)This model uses two levels of LSTM encoders at the word and sentences level in order to build the word and sentence level representations of the document. The attention mechanism is used to attribute importance at the word and sentence level.
There are two applications of the attention mechanism that attend over of the word level encoder and the sentence level encoder. These allow the model to construct a representation of the document that attribute greater levels of importance to key sentences and words throughout the document.
All experiments were performed on the Stanford IMDB dataset which is a natural language dataset where movie reviews have labels that describe the sentiment of the movie review. This is one of the many datasets used in the original paper Hierarchical Attention Network. There are 8 different classes that describe the sentiment from 0-3 for negative sentiment to 6-10 for positive sentiment, which are mapped down to negative sentiment 0 and positive sentiment 1.
- IMDB download script:
- first step of data preprocessing and create a csv:
- second step of data preprocessing and create serialized dataset as binary files:
- IMDB data preprocessing:
- Paths shared throughout files:
- Hierarchical Attention Networks:
- Train the Hierarchical Attention Networks:
- Test the Hierarchical Attention Networks:
- Docker
- Nvidia GPU with the CUDA driver installed
To run the model
- build the container image from the docker file
docker build -t han:1.0 .
- start container
nvidia-docker run -p 6006:6006 -p 8888:8889 -it "IMAGE_ID" bash
- to download and process all data run
python3 imdb True
or run the below three commands - download the imdb dataset
python3 imdb
- create csv file
python3 imdb True
- create serialized dataset as binary files
python3 imdb
- start training the han model with
nohup python3 --run_type "train" >> train.out &
- start validation the han model with
nohup python3 --run_type "val" >> val.out &
- start testing the han model with
nohup python3 --run_type "test" >> test.out &
Note the attention weights consume lots of vram memory on the gpu and running validation while model is training causes a out of memory exception
Set up Tensorboard and Jupyter Notebook
create another session in the same container
nvidia-docker exec -it "CONTAINER_ID" bash
start jupyter notebook in the container
jupyter notebook --no-browser --port=8889 --ip= --allow-root
grab the authenication token -
create another session in the same container
nvidia-docker exec -it "CONTAINER_ID" bash
then run
tensorboard --logdir ../lib/summaries/train/
start tensorboard in the container -
go to your browser on local machine
for tensorboard -
go to your browser on local machine
for tensorboard
if you are working on a remote machine you must set up a tunnel for tensorboard and jupyter tools
- on host machine
ssh -N -L localhost:6001:localhost:6006 username@ipaddress
set up tunnel for tensorboard - on host machine
ssh -N -L localhost:8890:localhost:8888 username@ipaddress
set up tunnel for jupyter notebook
Zichao, Yang. Hierarchical Attention Networks for Document Classification
- publish trained model files
- find a way to validate model during model training without causing OOM either by pausing training and validate then return to training
- visualize trained model weights in jupyter notebook over input text document