Core functions shared by projects, advanced soft graphics capabilities, parser stuffs, threads gems and so on
- updates for fixes
- introduce gs.Languages, which is mainly R&D on parser and compilation.
- GS.Geomtry, GS.Pixel(32), GS.System and GS.Common domain have been massively update fellowing client need.
- Introduce GS.Soft3d.Pipeline : More advanced 3d raster, try to have clean architecture, fellowing pipeline one. 3dRasterDemo included.
- Several rename, add GS.System.* demos,
- GS.Common.* enhancement, Twee langage parser (very early)
- 3DRasterStandAloneDemos - 3d Standalone : For learning purpose : All you need to 3d raster. The Raster part is powered by Pixel32
- Introducing 3D capabilities throught GS.Soft3D.Pipeline domain : Work in progress.
- Introduce Language domain.
- Introduce Pixels domain, with Pixel32 as implemenation (32Bits raster pixel libs).
GS.Pixel Raster graphics system. Design to be simple, and build upon simple "software shader" technics. This lib's aim is to try to reach a good level of performance, but it first target efficiency and simplicity to achieve common advanced graphics tasks.
GS.Language Common compiler technique - Work In progress.
GS.JSON Another JSON lib. this one permit JsonToObject and ObjectToJson Based upon this work Enhanced for full unicode (/uxxx) support Simple "periodic element" added.
GS.Reference It implement a persistance layer middleware for Key<>Value database. you will find an exemple of persister to, to build a fine fast key<>value database : Just very usefull for setting, parameter, and even huge static data (or not) It can be used too to build message system, and so on : Please see GS.Bus Repo for a full Key Value working exemple implementation.
GS.Thread.Pool Pur Thread pool with 2 final classes --> Static Thread pool, which have no warm time at all. Work fairly fast as PPL dephi librady (iTask), but more versatil and adaptable, IMHO. --> Dynamic thread pool. Match well for server tools for exeample. Used in GS.GRID. This library is done for "micro service,Stateless fire-and-forget task - Idling thread are freed, and when needed, new thread are summon, in a given quantity range.
GS.FileOp A work in progress attempt to work on file with advanced tools. See Glacify demo, for exemple. Glacify is an full R&D project, witch aim to reach the fellowing features :
- in one file archiving (=a "glacier"), versioning capability, archiving by provide cyphering and compression, get clear file version on demand, capabity to scan directory and only process changed files.
- graphics (Pixel's sub domain) (directly used) :
- the awesome Clipper lib (by Angus Johnson -
- Bero's magic with its polygon's triangulation stuffs build upon Clipper (
- Pixels unit : shine by its simplicity (
- Delaunay unit, an old one, initialy by Paul Bourke ([email protected])
- FastGeo, by Arash Partow (
- other domain :
For your conveniance and for easy integration, those libs are availables on this repo as ThirdPart directory.
- 3D Raster demo, all in one unit, for teaching purpose
GS.Json :
Periodic element read and write demo. -> you can too compare native JSON for delphi (witch is good) and GS.JSON system (which is cool to ;)
FMX small demo App for Periodic element.
GS.FileUtils : A GUI app to see how glacify process could work.
GS.ReferenceDB : A little console app to experiment Reference capability.