VTS Version 4.11
809 commits
to master
since this release
VTS Library NuGet Package 4.11
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Release Notes
- Added circular sources such that the direction of rays are determined by a point or sampling a circle at an elevated height. These are different from DirectionalCircularSource because this source determines angle based on rotation of the principal axis and/or rotation about the inward normal by theta and phi.
- Added line sources such that the direction of rays are determine from sampling a line at an elevated height.
- Fixed bugs found in CylindricalFiber and Tubular sources.
- Fixed SourceFlags in SurfaceEmittingSpherical sources.
- Corrected second moment calculation for total absorbance, ATotalDetector.
- Modified Photon.cs so that Continuous Absorption Weighting can be used to calculate ATotalDetector.
- Added ROfRhoAndMaxDepth, ROfXAndYAndMaxDepth and associated pMCRofRhoAndMaxDepth and pMCROfXAndYAndMaxDepth and unit tests: these detectors take note of the deepest depth a photon attained before exiting detector.
- Added FluenceOfXAndYAndZAndStartingXAndY: this detector determines fluence but takes note of the starting x-y bin the photon started in.
- Added ROfXAndYAndThetaAndPhi: this detector determines reflectance as a function of Cartesian coordinates the exiting direction in theta and phi bins.
- Added ROfRhoRecessed, ROfXAndYRecessed, ROfRhoAndMaxDepthRecessed, ROfXAndYAndMaxDepthRecessed, pMCROfRhoRecessed and pMCROfRhoAndTimeRecessed to tally the photon in air at a specified height above the tissue.
Parallel processing:
- Added new ParallelMonteCarloSimulation class and made major changes to MonteCarloSimulation class to enable parallel processing and unit tests to verify these changes. The major changes included code clean up so that Properties and local variables were named appropriately and overall organization of software is per our coding standards.
- Ensured that the parallel code did not share local variables across multiple threads which would impact results and timing.
- Ported DynamicCreatorMersenneTwister from C to C# to enable selecting subsequences from the original MersenneTwister
VTS MATLAB Package 4.11 Beta
Download: VTS_MATLAB_v4.11.0Beta.zip
Release Notes
- Updated all the NuGet packages
This release contains sample scripts for the following:
- using MATLAB to call the solvers in the VTS Libraries.
- using MATLAB to call the Monte Carlo tools in the VTS Libraries.
These files will only work for MATLAB on Windows.
On Windows: .NET Framework 4.6.1 - download here
MATLAB (R2011b and higher)