git :- to show ll git commands
git init :- to initialize git repository
ls -la :- to see hidden folders
ls .git :- to see what is in .git file
.git file is used to track all the program in the git repository.
git status :- is used to see commit, track fies and what to do next
git add <filename> :- to track file ( add file to staging area)
git rm --cached <file name> :- to remove file from staging area
git add . :- to track all files and folders in repo
git status :- to view changs
git diff :- to view what exact change in file
git commit -m "this is first 1" :- to write message to program
git log :- used to see commits
git reset --hard <commit id> :- to go to which version or commit you want.
git remote -v :- to view remotes in the folder
git remote add < location url> :- to add remote repo to local and to push to remote
git push -u origin master :- to push local repo to remote repo
git branch -M <branch name> :- To create branch in local repo
git push origin <branch name> :- To push created branch in remote repo
git checkout -b <branch name> :- to create new branch in git
git chechout <branch name> :- to switch to other branch
git branch :- to list all branches
after modifing related changes need to excute (git add, git commit, git push) Creating a pull request from github management console for to merge into master branch. after merginging into the master branch git checkout master git branch -D :- To delete feature branch
git cherry-pick <commit id> :- used to move new commit to old commit
(cherry-pick is eassy to move one or two commits)
git merge <branch name> :- to merge new branch to main/master
git rebash <branch name> :- " || "
git log --oneline :- to show all commits in minimise
git log <branch name> --oneline :- to show all commits minimise in branch
git stash :- Git stash acts as a mechanism to locally store version files hidden from other developers who share the same git repository.
1. git stash save :- To save changes into stash
2. git stash list :- To list all the stash IDs
3. git stash apply stash@{0} :- To apply changes from a specific stash ID. 545. 546.
4. git push <>
5. git pull <>
6. git remote add origin <git remote url> :- Used to add remote URL.
7. git push -u <git url> <branch> --> To push the branch to remote repo
git config --global User.Name "vishnu" :- to add user name
git config --global User.Email "mail id":- to add mail id
git clone <url> :- to clone remote to local
git fetch :- To get the difference between remote and local repo
git pull origin <branch name> :- To Bring new changes from remote to local.
…or create a new repository on the command line echo "# git2" >>
- git init
- git add
- git commit -m "first commit"
- git branch -M main
- git remote add origin
- git push -u origin main …or push an existing repository from the command line git remote add origin
- git branch -M main
- git push -u origin main …or import code from another repository You can initialize this repository with code from a Subversion, Mercurial, or TFS project.