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git clone ~/.murmurmak ; sh ~/.murmurmak/
Similar to FTP Server opened from the web: LAN/WAN file manager
select for first-setup 2) then,
MSVSCode backups are made to Google Drive via skicka. If skicka does not work, you cannot make MSVSCode backups. To make skicka work, you need to create a project in, select First Backup 2), and after the process is finished, enter the client ID and client secret in ~/.skicka.config. Then, in the APIs & Services section, open the Google Drive API in the Enabled APIs & services section. Then, in the OAuth consent screen section, you need to either publish the application or add yourself. Finally, do not forget to remove the comment line in SKICKA CONFIG.
Store your VS Code and browsers' data on '/goinfre' for a smoother and faster experience."
Select 1: Download Backups
The user is asked for a Git repository address and the necessary checks are performed. If brew is not installed, Homebrew, go and go skicka tool are installed. Backups are downloaded. The necessary files for Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome and msvscode are downloaded and extracted. Aliases are created for browsers if they do not exist.
msvscode | google-chrome can be opened by typing kode | chrome in the terminal.
Seçenek 2: First Backups
The user's MSVSCode and browser data are backed up to the Git repository and the cloud.
Seçenek 3: Uploading Browser Data to Git
All browser data is added to and backed up to the Git repository.
Seçenek 4: Uploading VS Code Data to the Cloud
VS Code data is backed up and uploaded to the cloud using skicka.
Lists directories in the given directory with a size greater than the given size up to the given depth .
program/command removes:
- the Trash contents.
- 42 caches from Library and Home directories.
- Chrome Caches.
- VSCode Caches and its workspaces cache storage.
- Social Media Apps Caches, like Slack and Discord.
- FileSystems which are located in browsers profiles directories, such as Chrome and Chromium.
! Attention You're responsible !
fix thisLogin hook
Failed to find an iSCSI volume with the right name ---------------------------------------------| OK |
sleepwipe is alternative to caffeinate
NAME sleepwipe -- prevent the system from sleeping on behalf of a utility SYNOPSIS sleepwipe [-a] [-t timeout] DESCRIPTION sleepwipe prevents the system from going to sleep based on specific events. If no events are specified, the sleep prevention is activated indefinitely. A helper event can be specified to perform actions based on that event; for example, waiting for the exit status of a given process ID and reactivating sleep when it exits. Available options: -t This event prevents the system from going to sleep for the given value (in seconds). It returns an error if no value is specified. -p This event prevents the system from going to sleep until the given process ID exits. If no process ID is specified, an error is thrown. -k Do not block the computer sleep feature unless you click on some specific keys of the keyboard and the mouse. Currently Unavailable -k, key, keyboard
autorun config of frequently used settings for login event
- enable dark mode
- set "code" cmd
start bit matris view within sleepwipe
$> 0101010101010101001010101010101010 0101010101010101001010101010101010 0101010101010101001010101010101010 0101010101010101001010101010101010 0101010101010101001010101010101010 0101010101010101001010101010101010 0101010101010101001010101010101010 0101010101010101001010101010101010 0101010101010101001010101010101010 0101010101010101001010101010101010 0101010101010101001010101010101010...
install brew package mgr
Valgrind is an open-source tool used for detecting memory errors and performance issues.
USB debugging must be enabled.
The bridge is connected to the VPN as a VPN. The apk directly configures the VPN configuration (not only for VPN, but also for running adb forward and reverse commands required for communication between the adb on the server and the adb on the android).
I do not want to write detailed usage because the program is explained in the repo below.
The program is started in the last line of the script on the first installation. To run it again, just run the last line.
USB debugging can also be done wirelessly, so the same things are valid for wireless.
Multiple devices can be added to a single adb server. If you want to specify manually, gnirehtet [ip:port | serialid].
This is just the setup script.
It installs and runs Java without brew for the Java version of gnirehtet.
The Rust version of gnirehtet is available in the brew repo, it takes about 30 minutes to run, excluding downloading, because it is about 650MB.
It was taking a long time to compile Java with brew, so it is being installed quickly by downloading compiled source Java 8u331.
The files downloaded by the script are adbtools java and the source of our program, which is the link below.