Small script centered on idea to keep repository with Wazuh server rules in git and update it automatically by cron.
Script checks main branch of gitlab repository with Wazuh rules for a changes.
In case there are any changes:
- Script starts a git synchronisation
- Validates rules throught Wazuh API call
- Restarts Wazuh cluster
- Status of update being notified to Matrix chat room
Credentials for Wazuh API and Matrix are being kept in dot-env files.
Push root of rules folder /var/ossec/etc on Wazuh master server to a repo in gitlab any acceptable way. You may desire to keep it low privelege as possible so read http token is plenty enough.
To avoid clent/server keys and generated configs being pushed to git I advice to create .gitignore file for /var/ossec/etc with strings:
├── decoders
│ ├── custom_decoder.xml
├── lists
│ └── suspicious-programs
└── rules
├── 0015-ossec_custom_rules.xml
git clone /opt/wazuh-rules-updater
Edit credentials in files
vi /opt/wazuh-rules-updater/.env
vi /opt/wazuh-rules-updater/.envr
Create low privelege user account
adduser --disabled-password --shell /bin/bash --gecos "wazuh-rules-updater" wazuh-rules-updater
Keep permissions limited as possible
chmod 400 /opt/wazuh-rules-updater/
chmod 500 /opt/wazuh-rules-updater/
chown -R wazuh-rules-updater /opt/wazuh-rules-updater/.*
chown -R wazuh-rules-updater /opt/wazuh-rules-updater/*
chown root:root /opt/wazuh-rules-updater/
chmod 100 /opt/wazuh-rules-updater/
Sudoers modification required to run a fix for permissions.
wazuh-rules-updater ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /opt/wazuh-rules-updater/
Add script to cron
*/5 * * * * wazuh-rules-updater /usr/bin/bash /opt/wazuh-rules-updater/