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A Discord.js based Discord chat bot. 🤖

Setting Up A Test Environment

  1. Create a Discord server which will serve as your test server
    • Click Add a Server at the very bottom of your Discord server list panel
      Add a Server
    • Click on Create My Own
      Create My Own
    • Give it a name and press Create
  2. Generate an Auth Token for your bot user
    • Go to the Discord Developer Portal and press New Application
      New Application
    • Give it a name and press Create
    • Go to the Bot tab in the Side Panel, press Add Bot and confirm by clicking on Yes, do it!
      Add Bot
    • Navigate to the OAuth2 tab in the Side Panel and select bot in the Scopes section. Scroll down and select the desired permissions for the bot user - the example ones as shown on the picture attached below should suffice.
      Scopes and Permissions
    • Copy the generated link from the Scopes section and paste it in your browser of choice. Select your test server as the server you want to add the bot user to and press Continue.
      Adding the bot to a server
    • Go back to the Bot tab in the Side Panel and click Copy under the Token section - this is needed in the next step.
      Copying the Token
  3. Set up the project locally
    • Fork this repository on GitHub and clone it to somewhere on your computer
    • Navigate to the project's folder in the command line
    • Check out to a new branch
    • Install the required dependencies by running npm i
    • This will automatically execute the setup:
      • runs the db:migrate - to setup a local sqlite3 database file manually, run npm run db:migrate
      • builds the source (executing npm run build:src)
      • clones a fresh .env file
    • If you wish to create a new .env file, execute npm run env:new
    • Check the contents of .env for more details on feature configuration
    • Inside of the .env file, update the TOKEN variable and set it to the Token you copied from your Bot page, e.g. TOKEN=YOURTOKENGOESHERE
    • Run tests with npm test (refer to the testing section)
    • The project should be functional at this point. Refer to these steps in order to run\debug it - if you get any errors, you probably skipped a step.

Running/Debugging the project

In order to run the project, you first need to compile TypeScript files into JavaScript files.

Run npm run build:src in order to compile the src TypeScript project. To then run the project, you can run npm start.

In order to debug the project, in VS code go to Run (Default keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+D), then at the top choose "Launch Program" and click the green triangle (Start Debugging). Note that you need to place your breakpoints in your source code (TypeScript/JavaScript) in the src folder, and not in the dist folder.

Adding A New Command

  1. Create a new file under the commands directory:

    / commands
       |- [command_name].ts
  2. Add a command template

    import { Message } from "discord.js";
    import { CommandTemplate } from "../types/command.type";
    import { embed } from "../services/embedService";
    const executionLogic = (msg: Message, args: string[], options: any) => {
        * Command logic goes here
       // @see:
       // You can change the color accent by passing:
       //  color: your_color_value_decimal
       // @see:
       // About argsTitle: when true, the string after the command name in the chat
       // will be used as an embed title: e.g. !command Some String As An Embed Title
       return embed(msg, args, {
       argsTitle: true,
       description: "Embed description contents",
       color: [optional: decimal encoded color, white by default]
    const execute = (msg: Message, args: string[], options: any) => {
       executionLogic(msg, args, options);
    const commandTemplate: CommandTemplate = {
       name: "command name (without !)",
       description: "command description",
       execute: execute,
    export { 
  3. Add additional command json configuration by adding a file under:

/ commands/config
  |- [command_name].json

and then consume the configuration inside your command file:

// ...

import data from "./config/[command_name].json";

// ...


The project is using jest-ts which is a Typescript preprocessor for jest, for testing.

To run the tests, run npm test, which compiles the jest test files in-memory and runs them.

To understand more about how jest-ts works, refer to their jest-ts's documentation or jest's documentation.


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