This is the repository of Black Team's hacked F1TENTH Gym environment (LOTS OF JANKY JANK).
You can find the documentation of the environment here.
Make sure you have Git installed through here
Once you have downloaded Git, you should be able to clone the repository onto your PC.
git clone
We recommend installing the simulation inside a virtual environment to not affect any of your other Python installations.
You must make sure your execution policy allows for scripts to run automatically.
IMPORTANT: Run Windows PowerShell as Administrator, otherwise the following two commands will not work.
If the command below outputs anything other than RemoteSigned, Run the next command.
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
Follow with the steps on the screen, you might have to type in "Y" to accept the changes.
Next, you must download pyenv. To do so, run the following command after RESTARTING PowerShell.
Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri "" -OutFile "./install-pyenv-win.ps1"; &"./install-pyenv-win.ps1"
Then, you must download the following specific version of python through pyenv.
pyenv install 3.10.11
Navigate to your File Explorer to find the location of where pyenv is installed. It should be in a similar directory as below:
For Example:
Now, we get to the good stuff...
Go to where you cloned your repository and navigate to the root directory of your workspace and open a terminal.
Run the following command within your directory to create a virtual environment with the previously installed Python version.
<Your_Path_Without_Quotes> -m venv .venv
#For Example:
C:\Users\<YourUsername>\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.10.11\python.exe -m venv .venv
Then, install all the dependencies by running the following:
pip install -e .
# This command will take a while, so don't ear, just let it run!
You are almost done!!!
Change Directory to the example Python file, and run that file:
cd .\examples\
python .\
It will take a second to run, once it does you should be all good!
We recommend installing the simulation inside a virtual environment to not affect any of your other Python installations.
You can install the environment any way you like. Instructions to do it with virtualenv are below.
Make sure to use python version 3.10. We've tested 3.10.11 and 3.10.15 and both have worked.
virtualenv gym_env
source gym_env/bin/activate
Then clone the repo
git clone
cd f1tenth_gym
Set some versions by hand to avoid magic, tracebackless errors.
pip install "pip<24.1"
pip install "setuptools==65.5.0"
pip install "wheel<0.40.0"
Then run the gym setup
pip install -e .
You can run a quick waypoint follow example by:
cd examples
It will take a second to run, once it does you should be all good!
You might see an error similar to
f110-gym 0.2.1 requires pyglet<1.5, but you have pyglet 1.5.20 which is incompatible.
which could be ignored. The environment should still work without error.
Contact one of the execs or your leads on Discord and ask any questions and we will help ASAP