Algorithms inspired by the course material.
- Calculus
- Probability and Stats
- Data Structures and Algorithms 1 & 2
- Discrete Mathematics 1 & 2
- Be sure to site all of your resources!!
- Make sure your algorithm is within the correct class folder within this repository
- If you see any typos or issues with any of the algorithms please open an issue for it
- These files are in Markdown. Here is the cheatsheet.
- From within your editor of choice copy and paste the code below into your new file
- [resource clickable title](web address of resource)
- [resource clickable title](web address of resource)
pseudocode goes here
- Move algorithms in to separate files
- List programming languages to use
- Add to inspiration class list
- Make a folder for each class
- Add instructions for the proper way of adding a file to each folder for each langauge
- Find other WGUers to help :)