Fiji Macro for paper :
Laurdan in live cell imaging: effect of acquisition settings, cell culture conditions and data analysis on generalized polarization measurements
By: Sarka Pokornaa, Ana E. Venturaa, Tânia C.B. Santosc,d, Martin Hof b, Manuel Prietod,e, Anthony H. Futermana, Liana C. Silvac
Based on an ImageJ macro published in Nature protocols paper: “Quantitative imaging of membrane lipid order in cells and organisms” , Owen et al, 2011. doi:10.1038/nprot.2011.419
The original macro is available at:
This macro calculates GP images from Laurdan and di-4-ANEPPDHQ ratiometric images in bactch mode (whole chosen folder) obtained using a Leica microscope. The generation of HSB images of these GP images has been also implemented.