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Velox Backend's Supported Operators & Functions

The Operators and Functions Support Progress

Gluten is still under active development. Here is a list of supported operators and functions.

Since the same function may have different semantics between Presto and Spark, Velox implement the functions in Presto category, if we note a different semantics from Spark, then the function is implemented in Spark category. So Gluten will first try to find function in Velox's spark category, if a function isn't implemented then refer to Presto category.

We use some notations to describe the supporting status of operators/functions in the tables below, they are:

Value Description
S Supported. Gluten or Velox supports fully.
S* Mark for foldable expression that will be converted to alias after spark's optimization.
[Blank Cell] Not applicable case or needs to confirm.
PS Partial Support. Velox only partially supports it.
NS Not Supported. Velox backend does not support it.

And also some notations for the function implementation's restrictions:

Value Description
Mismatched Some functions are implemented by Velox, but have different semantics from Apache Spark, we mark them as "Mismatched".
ANSI OFF Gluten doesn't support ANSI mode. If it is enabled, Gluten will fall back to Vanilla Spark.

Operator Map

Gluten supports 30+ operators (Drag to right to see all data types)

FileSourceScanExec Reading data from files, often from Hive tables FileSourceScanExecTransformer TableScanNode S S S S S S S S S S NS NS NS S NS NS NS NS
BatchScanExec The backend for most file input BatchScanExecTransformer TableScanNode S S S S S S S S S S NS NS NS S NS NS NS NS
FilterExec The backend for most filter statements FilterExecTransformer FilterNode S S S S S S S S S S NS NS NS S NS NS NS NS
ProjectExec The backend for most select, withColumn and dropColumn statements ProjectExecTransformer ProjectNode S S S S S S S S S S NS NS NS S NS NS NS NS
HashAggregateExec The backend for hash based aggregations HashAggregateBaseTransformer AggregationNode S S S S S S S S S S NS NS NS S NS NS NS NS
BroadcastHashJoinExec Implementation of join using broadcast data BroadcastHashJoinExecTransformer HashJoinNode S S S S S S S S S S NS NS NS S NS NS NS NS
ShuffledHashJoinExec Implementation of join using hashed shuffled data ShuffleHashJoinExecTransformer HashJoinNode S S S S S S S S S S NS NS NS S NS NS NS NS
SortExec The backend for the sort operator SortExecTransformer OrderByNode S S S S S S S S S S NS NS NS S NS NS NS NS
SortMergeJoinExec Sort merge join, replacing with shuffled hash join SortMergeJoinExecTransformer MergeJoinNode S S S S S S S S S S NS NS NS S NS NS NS NS
WindowExec Window operator backend WindowExecTransformer WindowNode S S S S S S S S S S NS NS NS S NS NS NS NS
GlobalLimitExec Limiting of results across partitions LimitTransformer LimitNode S S S S S S S S S S NS NS NS S NS NS NS NS
LocalLimitExec Per-partition limiting of results LimitTransformer LimitNode S S S S S S S S S S NS NS NS S NS NS NS NS
ExpandExec The backend for the expand operator ExpandExecTransformer GroupIdNode S S S S S S S S S S NS NS NS S NS NS NS NS
UnionExec The backend for the union operator UnionExecTransformer N S S S S S S S S S S NS NS NS S NS NS NS NS
DataWritingCommandExec Writing data Y TableWriteNode S S S S S S S S S S S NS S S NS S NS NS
CartesianProductExec Implementation of join using brute force CartesianProductExecTransformer NestedLoopJoinNode S S S S S S S S S S NS NS NS S NS NS NS NS
ShuffleExchangeExec The backend for most data being exchanged between processes ColumnarShuffleExchangeExec ExchangeNode NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS
The unnest operation expands arrays and maps into separate columns N UnnestNode NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS
The top-n operation reorders a dataset based on one or more identified sort fields as well as a sorting order N TopNNode NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS
The partitioned output operation redistributes data based on zero or more distribution fields N PartitionedOutputNode NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS
The values operation returns specified data N ValuesNode NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS
A receiving operation that merges multiple ordered streams to maintain orderedness N MergeExchangeNode NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS
An operation that merges multiple ordered streams to maintain orderedness N LocalMergeNode NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS
Partitions input data into multiple streams or combines data from multiple streams into a single stream N LocalPartitionNode NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS
The enforce single row operation checks that input contains at most one row and returns that row unmodified N EnforceSingleRowNode NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS
The assign unique id operation adds one column at the end of the input columns with unique value per row N AssignUniqueIdNode NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS S S S S S
ReusedExchangeExec A wrapper for reused exchange to have different output ReusedExchangeExec N
CollectLimitExec Reduce to single partition and apply limit N N
BroadcastExchangeExec The backend for broadcast exchange of data Y Y S S S S S S S S S S NS NS NS S NS S NS NS
ObjectHashAggregateExec The backend for hash based aggregations supporting TypedImperativeAggregate functions HashAggregateExecBaseTransformer N
SortAggregateExec The backend for sort based aggregations HashAggregateExecBaseTransformer (Partially supported) N
CoalesceExec Reduce the partition numbers CoalesceExecTransformer N
GenerateExec The backend for operations that generate more output rows than input rows like explode GenerateExecTransformer UnnestNode
RangeExec The backend for range operator N N
SampleExec The backend for the sample operator SampleExecTransformer N
SubqueryBroadcastExec Plan to collect and transform the broadcast key values Y Y S S S S S S S S S S NS NS NS S NS S NS NS
TakeOrderedAndProjectExec Take the first limit elements as defined by the sortOrder, and do projection if needed Y Y S S S S S S S S S S NS NS NS S NS S NS NS
CustomShuffleReaderExec A wrapper of shuffle query stage N N
InMemoryTableScanExec Implementation of InMemory Table Scan Y Y
BroadcastNestedLoopJoinExec Implementation of join using brute force. Full outer joins and joins where the broadcast side matches the join side (e.g.: LeftOuter with left broadcast) are not supported BroadcastNestedLoopJoinExecTransformer NestedLoopJoinNode S S S S S S S S S S NS NS NS S NS NS NS NS
AggregateInPandasExec The backend for an Aggregation Pandas UDF, this accelerates the data transfer between the Java process and the Python process N N
ArrowEvalPythonExec The backend of the Scalar Pandas UDFs. Accelerates the data transfer between the Java process and the Python process N N
FlatMapGroupsInPandasExec The backend for Flat Map Groups Pandas UDF, Accelerates the data transfer between the Java process and the Python process N N
MapInPandasExec The backend for Map Pandas Iterator UDF. Accelerates the data transfer between the Java process and the Python process N N
WindowInPandasExec The backend for Window Aggregation Pandas UDF, Accelerates the data transfer between the Java process and the Python process N N
HiveTableScanExec The Hive table scan operator. Column and partition pruning are both handled Y Y
InsertIntoHiveTable Command for writing data out to a Hive table Y Y
Velox2Row Convert Velox format to Row format Y Y S S S S S S S S NS S NS NS NS S S NS NS NS
Velox2Arrow Convert Velox format to Arrow format Y Y S S S S S S S S NS S S S S S NS S NS NS
WindowGroupLimitExec Optimize window with rank like function with filter on it Y Y S S S S S S S S NS S S S S S NS S NS NS

Function Support Status

Spark categorizes built-in functions into four types: Scalar Functions, Aggregate Functions, Window Functions, and Generator Functions. In Gluten, function support is automatically generated by a script and maintained in separate files. Run the following command to generate and update the support status. Note that --spark_home should be set to the directory containing the Spark source code for the latest supported Spark version in Gluten, and the Spark project must be built from source.

python3 tools/scripts/ --spark_home=/path/to/spark_source_code

Please check the links below for the detailed support status of each category:

Scalar Functions Support Status

Other Functions Support Status (To be updated)

bit_and bitwise_and_agg S S S S S S
bit_or S
bit_xor bit_xor S
get_map_value element_at S S
approx_count_distinct approx_distinct S S S S S S S S S S
avg avg S ANSI OFF S S S S S
collect_list S
collect_set S
corr corr S S S S S S
count count S S S S S S
count_if count_if S S S S S
covar_pop covar_pop S S S S S S
covar_samp covar_samp S S S S S S
first first S
first_value first_value S
kurtosis kurtosis kurtosis S S S S S S
last last S
last_value last_value S
max max S S S S S S
max_by S
mean avg S ANSI OFF
min min S S S S S S
min_by S
regr_avgx regr_avgx regr_avgx S S S S S S
regr_avgy regr_avgy regr_avgy S S S S S S
regr_count regr_count regr_count S S S S S S
regr_r2 regr_r2 regr_r2 S S S S S S
regr_intercept regr_intercept regr_intercept S S S S S S
regr_slope regr_slope regr_slope S S S S S S
regr_sxy regr_sxy regr_sxy S S S S S S
regr_sxx regr_sxx regr_sxx S S S S S S
regr_syy regr_syy regr_syy S S S S S S
skewness skewness skewness S S S S S S
std stddev S S S S S S
stddev stddev S S S S S S
stddev_pop stddev_pop S S S S S S
stddev_samp stddev_samp S S S S S S
sum sum S ANSI OFF S S S S S
var_pop var_pop S S S S S S
var_samp var_samp S S S S S S
variance variance S S S S S S
cume_dist cume_dist S
dense_rank dense_rank S
lag S
lead S
nth_value nth_value nth_value PS
ntile ntile ntile S
percent_rank percent_rank S
rank rank S
row_number row_number S S S S
raise_error raise_error S
stack S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
try_substract S