- Learn the basic technologies and concepts for Full-Stack development using Javascript (React / Node.js);
- Approach to a daily basis of remote work.
- Git / Git flow.
- Docker.
- DBs: PostgreSQL.
- Javascript stack: React and Node.js.
- Authentication / authorization using JWT.
- GraphQL.
- Agile Software Development.
This program will be divided into blocks that last up to 2 weeks each. Each block will either introduce you to new concepts or help you review things that you've probably already learned. Concepts will be introduced in the way of links, books, videos, etc. All we provide is a guide, it's up to you to investigate further. We suggest a duration for each block but take your time. It's better to take longer and really learn the concepts rather than moving on with vague ideas about section's topics. After finishing the learning part, you'll find a "Wrap-up" section. Use this time to ask any question you may have. Also, we'll connect you with different team members that will tell you how they use whatever you've just learned on a daily basis at working days. Finally, at the end of each block, you'll find a "Bonus" section. We'll drop down there books, links, and any other information we consider important for you to have. We suggest taking note of that and learn a little more every day (you'll do this from now on if you're smart).