Weblate 4.0.2
Released on April 27th 2020.
- Improved performance of translation stats.
- Improved performance of changing labels.
- Improved bulk edit performance.
- Improved translation memory performance.
- Fixed possible crash on component deletion.
- Fixed displaying of translation changes in some corner cases.
- Improved warning about too long celery queue.
- Fixed possible false positives in the consistency check.
- Fixed deadlock when changing linked component repository.
- Included edit distance in changes listing and CSV and reports.
- Avoid false positives of punctuation spacing check for Canadian French.
- Fixed XLIFF export with placeholders.
- Fixed false positive with zero width check.
- Improved reporting of configuration errors.
- Fixed bilingual source upload.
- Automatically detect supported languages for DeepL machine translation.
- Fixed progress bar display in some corner cases.
- Fixed some checks triggering on non translated strings.