Weblate 4.15
Released on December 16th 2022.
- Added support for browsing changes for a individual string.
- Fixed plurals handling in automatic translation from other
components. - Added keyboard shortcut Alt+Enter to submit string as a suggestion.
- Added support for placeables in the Fluent format.
- Improved performance of translation memory.
- Autogenerate repoweb browsing links for well known code hosting
services. - Improved performance of several views.
- Improved listing of strings with plurals.
- Added support for adding custom markup to HTML head.
- Fixed generation of MO files in the add-on to include only
translated files. - Fixed rendering of regular expression flags.
- Improved placeholders check behavior with plurals.
- Added support for translation files naming suitable for Google Play.
- Added support for labels in API.
- Added support for choosing different e-mail for commits than for
notifications. - The Docker image no longer enables debug mode by default.
- Order glossary terms based on the glossary component priority.
- Added team administrators who can add or remove members of the team.
- Added a popup confirmation before deleting users.
- Added add-on to customize XML output.