Weblate 5.1
Released on October 16th 2023.
New features
Yandex v2 machine translation service.
Automatic translation and Automatic translation are now stored with a dedicated user as an author.
Add-ons changes to strings are now stored with a dedicated user as an author.
Downloading components, categories or projects can now convert file formats.
Worfklow customization allows to fine-tune localization workflow per language.
Enable reviews also shows the approval percentage in object listings.
Project is added to watched upon accepting an invitation.
Configure VCS API credentials as a Python dict from environment variables.
Improved accuracy of checks on plural messages.
Enage page better shows stats.
Strings which can not be saved to a file no longer block other strings to be written.
Fixed some API URLs for categorized components.
Show plural form examples more prominently.
Highlight whitespace in Automatic suggestions.
Faster comment and component removal.
Show disabled save button reason more prominently.
New string notification can now be triggered for each string.
Bug fixes
Improved OCR error handling in Visual context for strings.
Automatic fixups gracefully handle strings from Multivalue CSV file.
Occasional crash in Automatic suggestions caching.
Fixed history listing for entries within a Category.
Fixed editing Administration team.
Add missing languages add-on could miss some languages.
- Categories are now included
repository URLs.
Please follow Generic upgrade instructions in order to perform update.
Upgrades from older version than 5.0.2 are not supported, please upgrade to 5.0.2 first and then continue in upgrading.
Dropped support for deprecated insecure configuration of VCS service API keys via _TOKEN/_USERNAME in
. -
Weblate now defaults to persistent database connections in
and Docker.