Weblate 5.4
Released on February 15th 2024.
New features
Perl brace format quality check.
Search input is now syntax highlighted, see Searching.
Weblate is now available in தமிழ்.
Better logging in
. -
Component discovery now reports skipped entries.
Adding string in a repository triggers Notifications.
OpenAI better handles batch translations and glossaries.
LibreTranslate better handles batch translations.
Text variant of notification e-mails now properly indicate changed strings.
File downloads now honor If-Modified-Since.
Number of words support for CJK languages.
Component discovery now preserves Component Lists.
Nicer formatting of Glossary tooltips.
GET /api/components/(string:project)/(string:component)/
now includes information about linked component. -
Improved Workflow customization configuration forms.
Bug fixes
Plural forms handling in Qt Linguist .ts.
Added missing documentation for
. -
Automatic fixer for Punctuation spacing no longer adds new whitespace.
Pending changes committing could be omitted under some circumstances.
Remove blank strings now correctly removes blank plurals.
Last changed timestamp now reflects changes outside Weblate as well. This affects both Weblate’s REST API and the user interface.
Releases are signed by Sigstore instead of PGP, see Verifying release signatures.
Please follow Generic upgrade instructions in order to perform update.