Weblate 5.5.1
Released on April 26th 2024.
New features
Searching supports
. -
Added several new Language code style.
Display more details on source string change in history.
Azure AI Translator now supports using custom translators.
Improved error handling in Inviting new users.
Added PNG status badge.
Added list of managed projects to the dashboard view.
More detailed status of outgoing commits.
Reduced memory usage.
Bug fixes
Fixed skipped component update with some add-ons enabled.
Daily execution of project and site wide add-ons.
Allow editing strings when the source is marked for editing.
Updates of the last updated timestamp of a string.
Fixed project and site wide installation of Squash Git commits and Component discovery add-ons.
Graceful handling of locking errors in the Weblate’s REST API.
Please follow Generic upgrade instructions in order to perform update.
- There is a change in
setting (newly addedEXCEPTION_HANDLER