Weblate 5.9.2
Released on December 19th 2024.
Renamed Bitbucket Data Center pull requests to match new product name.
supports searching by user ID.
Bug fixes
Avoid query parser crash in multi-threaded environments.
Avoid Automatic fixups crash on multi-value strings.
Make project tokens work when Two-factor authentication or Contributor agreement are enforced.
Captcha solution were sometimes not accepted.
Please follow Generic upgrade instructions in order to perform update.
Code contributions
Michal Čihař, Gersona
Translations contributions
Horus68, Peter Vančo, cat, Rafael Fontenelle, Blueberry, Christian Wia, 大学没毕业, Yılmaz Durmaz, gallegonovato, Miguel A. Bouzada, VfBFan, Michal Čihař, Максим Горпиніч, Besnik Bleta, Aindriú Mac Giolla Eoin, Yaron Shahrabani, Fjuro, 大王叫我来巡山, Massimo Pissarello, Любомир Василев
Documentation contributions
Michal Čihař, Rafael Fontenelle