Mirror of XTronical's excellent XT_DAC_Audio library for ease of integration into platformio projects
XTronical, if you're reading this, please consider uploading your projects/this library to your personal git. I have mirrored this for personal convenience.
https://www.xtronical.com/introduction-to-dac-audio/ https://www.xtronical.com/dacaudio-hardware/
lib_deps =
main.cpp or sketch.ino
// Playing a digital WAV recording repeatadly using the XTronical DAC Audio library
// prints out to the serial monitor numbers counting up showing that the sound plays
// independently of the main loop
// See www.xtronical.com for write ups on sound, the hardware required and how to make
// the wav files and include them in your code
#include "SoundData.h"
#include "XT_DAC_Audio.h"
XT_Wav_Class ForceWithYou(Force); // create an object of type XT_Wav_Class that is used by
// the dac audio class (below), passing wav data as parameter.
XT_DAC_Audio_Class DacAudio(25,0); // Create the main player class object.
// Use GPIO 25, one of the 2 DAC pins and timer 0
uint32_t DemoCounter=0; // Just a counter to use in the serial monitor
// not essential to playing the sound
void setup() {
Serial.begin(115200); // Not needed for sound, just to demo printing to the serial
// Monitor whilst the sound plays, ensure your serial monitor
// speed is set to this speed also.
void loop() {
DacAudio.FillBuffer(); // Fill the sound buffer with data
if(ForceWithYou.Playing==false) // if not playing,
DacAudio.Play(&ForceWithYou); // play it, this will cause it to repeat and repeat...
Serial.println(DemoCounter++); // Showing that the sound will play as well as your code running here.