Colours and formats elm compiler error messages in json format it finds in webpack errors.
Elm compiler errors are easy to understand and useful ( However, elm make
outputs uncoloured error messages when stdout is not a terminal (elm-community/elm-webpack-loader#94) and this looks ugly, makes longer error messages harder to navigate and understand at a glance and clutters them with useless internal stacks.
npm install @whiletruu/format-elm-webpack-errors --save-dev
Report elm compiler errors as json.
loader: require.resolve("elm-webpack-loader"),
options: { report: "json" }
Create a webpack compiler for WebpackDevServer
const webpack = require("webpack");
const formatElmCompilerError = require("@whiletruu/format-elm-webpack-errors");
const compiler = webpack(/* config */);
function isElmCompilerError(error) {
return error.startsWith("./src/Main.elm");
compiler.hooks.invalid.tap("invalid", function() {
compiler.hooks.done.tap("done", stats => {
const { warnings, errors } = stats.toJson({
all: false,
warnings: true,
errors: true
const messages = {
errors: =>
isElmCompilerError(error) ? formatElmCompilerError(error) : error
if (!messages.errors.length && !messages.warnings.length) {
console.log("Compiled successfully!"));
if (messages.errors.length) {
console.log("Failed to compile.\n"));
if (messages.warnings.length) {
console.log(chalk.yellow("Compiled with warnings.\n"));
WebpackDevServer has it's own messages by default, but now we're emitting ours
by listening to the compiler events with compiler.hooks[...].tap
To not get the same errors several times in different formats,
WebpackDevServer should be told to be quiet in it's config.
quiet: true;