A Python wrapper for the Ready2Order API that simplifies the interaction with various endpoints provided by the Ready2Order platform.
- Fetch company information
- Fetch product information
- Fetch all bills (invoices)
- Fetch a specific invoice by its ID
You can install the package via pip:
pip install ready2order-api-wrapper
from ready2order_api.api import Bill, Company, Product
account_token = "your_account_token_here"
# Working with bills
bill = Bill(account_token)
bills_df = bill.get_all_bills()
# Working with company info
company = Company(account_token)
company_info = company.get_company_info()
# Working with products
product = Product(account_token)
products_df = product.get_products()
To get your developer token go to Ready2Order API, scroll to the bottom of the page and submit your email address to request the API token.
Now run the following code to get your account token:
from ready2order_api import get_acct_token
Now click on the URL starting with: https://my.ready2order.com/api/grantAccess/..., enter your login credentials and click login. You will be redirected to a blank page. Copy the account token from the URL and save it.