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hismightiness edited this page Sep 5, 2015 · 16 revisions


This is a solution that houses most of the DNN extensions that I manage for the community. It also is used to display how a DNN solution should be architected as a best practice, which includes several very useful MSBuild scripts. I've presented this as a topic at DNNCon Palm Beach 2014.

You can read more about this project and view/download the slide deck from my blog.

Included Projects

This is simply the source code repository for several of the projects I maintain or assist with. The distribution for these projects primarily happens at CodePlex. The installable form of these projects can be found at the links below.

Project Distribution Locations

New releases are going to be posted here, in the Releases section. If you don't see a current release, then you'll find it at the old project location below.

How You Can Help

  • Create Issues (ideas OR bugs)
  • Test Releases
  • Create UI/UX
  • Write Code
  • Debug Code
  • Create a Pull Request

Solution Architecture

You'll find a database backup in the Assets folder. This should be used as your starting point, as defined in the Getting Started section above.

Configuration Files Solution Folder

This solution folder contains the common configuration files for the entire solution, such as the web.config.

Libraries Solution Folder

This folder should contain all of the class library projects that will be used across the various modules.
These projects should contain any code that will be common across two or more modules.

Modules Solution Folder

This contains the various module projects that will be placed onto pages.

Scheduled Job Folder

In the future, this will contain DNN scheduled jobs along with the appropriate MS Build scripts.

Skin Objects

If you don't already know, skin objects are very similar to modules, except that a designer uses them instead of an administrator by putting them into their skin designs. Skin objects go here.


Skins are the equivalent to "themes" or "templates" in other CMS's. You'll find skin packages here (skins and their respective containers).


Widgets are the client-side equivalent of a module. They are mini-JavaScript libraries used for a very specific purpose.

Website Project

The website project is only used for reference. We should not be making any core code changes to DNN itself.

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