A fast processor, Arduino IDE compatible, with an inbuilt SSD1306 128 x 64 OLED screen
See https://wwww.youtube.com/ralphbacon video #140
(Direct link to video: https://youtu.be/_hqUOYTitVA)
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Working on my Home Alone project, I stumbled on this extremely useful board which combines an ESP32 µcontroller (totally compatible with the Arduino IDE) and an SSD1306 OLED screen all on one board. The OLED is 128W x 64H so you can cram quite a bit of information on it. Just remember that the flicker you see in the first part of the video is due to my recording process - in Real Life it's crystal clear, pin sharp and steady as a rock.
This combination can be very useful when debugging programs - it's easy to send a message to the screen, and better than using the Serial Monitor (aka Debug Window) which can scroll useful information off the top too quickly.
I've included the SSD1306 Data Sheet in my GitHub for anyone eager to delve deeper in the intricacies of the device.
Where I got it from - UK and China (on offer from China Warehouse until some time in April 2019):
All about this ESP32 board with OLED:
The Espressif ESP32 library for Arduino:
ThingPulse SSD1306 library for ESP32 (copy in my GitHub):
Just found this useful website, how to implement the ThingPulse library:
Comparison of ESP8266 vs ESP32:
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