Cox Experiment
445 commits
to master
since this release
The attached file contains the results of the cox model (5.txt files + 1 .R file) run at CNAM using the fr.polytechnique.cmap.cnam.filtering.cox.CoxMain
class with 4 different configuration changes compared to src/main/resources/config/filtering-default.conf
file as follows:
- cox_parameters.exposures.Start delay = 0
- cox_parameters.exposures.Min Purchases = 1
- cox_parameters.Follow-up delay = 4 months
- cox_parameters.Follow-up delay = 2 months
using the R script cox_pio.R
And it yielded the corresponding result files:
- startDelay0Result.txt
- minPurchase1Result.txt
- followupDelay4Result.txt
- followupDelay2Result.txt
- coxDefaultResult.txt (Result without any changes in the config file)