In this paper, we present a new algorithm for cross-source point cloud registration between MLS point clouds and stereo-reconstructed point clouds.
To improve the registration performance in this task, our method has two key designs. Firstly, gravity prior is utilized to highlight features in specific directions to narrow the matching pair search and enhance the robustness and efficiency of rotation-equivariant descriptor construction. Secondly, to adapt to noise patterns of stereo-reconstructed point clouds, a novel disparity-weighted hypothesis scoring strategy is proposed to strengthen RANSAC-based transformation estimation.
We create two new cross-source point cloud registration datasets to evaluate cross-source registration algorithms. The proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance with a
Here we offer the FCGF backbone YOHO. Thus FCGF requirements need to be met:
- Ubuntu 14.04 or higher
- CUDA 11.1 or higher
- Python v3.7 or higher
- Pytorch v1.6 or higher
- MinkowskiEngine v0.5 or higher
Specifically, The code has been tested with:
- Ubuntu 20.04, CUDA 11.1, python 3.7.10, Pytorch 1.7.1, GeForce RTX 3080Ti.
First, create the conda environment:
conda create -n msreg python=3.7 conda activate msreg
Second, intall Pytorch. We have checked version 1.7.1 and other versions can be referred to Official Set.
conda install pytorch==1.7.1 torchvision==0.8.2 torchaudio==0.7.2 cudatoolkit=11.1 -c pytorch
Third, install MinkowskiEngine for FCGF feature extraction:
git clone cd MinkowskiEngine conda install openblas-devel -c anaconda export CUDA_HOME=/usr/local/cuda-11.1 python install --blas_include_dirs=${CONDA_PREFIX}/include --blas=openblas cd ..
Or following official command installation:
Fourth, install other packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Finally, compile the CUDA based KNN searcher:
cd knn_search/ export CUDA_HOME=/usr/local/cuda-11.1 python build_ext --inplace cd ..
The datasets and pretrained weights have been uploaded to Google Cloud:
For training:
For testing:
Pretained model:
Datasets above contain the point clouds (.ply) and keypoints (.txt, 5000 per point cloud) files. Please place the data to ./data/origin_data
following the example data structure as:
├── origin_data/
├── kitti_train/
└── 0/
├── PointCloud/
├── cloud_bin_0.ply
├── ..
└── gt.log
└── Keypoints/
└── cloud_bin_0Keypoints.txt
├── CS/
└── CTCS/
Pretrained weights we offer include FCGF Backbone and msreg trained model. Which have been added to the main branch and organized following the structure as:
├── Backbone/
└── best_bal_checkpoint.pth
├── train/
└── model_best.pth
To train MSReg, the group input of train set should be prepared using the FCGF model we offer, which is retrained with our data enhancement, sepcifically, for pc0 and pc1: 1.ground truth alignment 2.add the same group element rotation; for pc1: add a random rotation of 45°.
Then, you can train MSReg by the commands:
- Prepare the testset:
python --dataset kitti_test
- Evaluate the results:
python --max_iter 1000 --dataset kitti --ransac_d 0.5 --tau 2
To evalute the generalization results of MSReg on CTCS and CS:
- Prepare the testset:
python --dataset CTCS python --dataset CS
- Evaluate the results:
python --max_iter 1000 --dataset CTCS --ransac_d 1.5 --tau 2 python --max_iter 1000 --dataset CS --ransac_d 1.5 --tau 2
We sincerely thank the excellent projects: