Other libraries rely on the generativelanguage.googleapis.com
API, which misses some models. For example, the newly-introduced "Gemini Experimental" model, which is free (!) cannot be accessed through that API. This library solves that issue.
The Gemini Experimental API is not guaranteed to last forever. If you are using a model that is available on the generativelanguage.googleapis.com
API, you can use this library to access it as well.
composer require xbnz/gemini
- Go to the Google Cloud Console
- Go to IAM & Admin
- Go to Service Accounts
- Click on your project
- Click on "Create Service Account" if you don't have one yet
- Give it a name and click on "Create"
- Click on "Done"
- Go back into the service account you just created
- Click on "Add Key" and create a JSON key. The file will be downloaded to your computer
- Grab the necessary information from the JSON file:
Here is a sample Laravel command that uses this library. The service provider is where the interfaces are bound to concretes.
// Laravel example
namespace App\Providers;
clsss AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
public function register(): void
$this->app->bind(GoogleOAuth2Interface::class, function (Application $app) {
return new GoogleOAuth2Service(
logger: $app->make(LoggerInterface::class)
$this->app->bind(GoogleAIPlatformInterface::class, function (Application $app) {
return new GoogleAIPlatformService(
(new GoogleAIPlatformConnector(
new TokenAuthenticator(
new TokenRequestDTO(
googleServiceAccount: new GoogleServiceAccount(
scope: 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform',
issuedAt: CarbonImmutable::now(),
expiration: CarbonImmutable::now()->addHour()
namespace App\Console\Commands;
class SomeCommand
public function __construct(
private readonly AIPlatformInterface $aiPlatformService
) {}
public function handle(): void
$response = $this->aiPlatformService->generateContent(
new GenerateContentRequestDTO(
new ContentDTO(
new TextPart('Explain what is happening in the image'),
new BlobPart(
'base64 image...',
new ContentDTO(
new TextPart('Sure! This is an image of a cat.'),
new ContentDTO(
new TextPart('What color is the cat?'),
// and so on...
new SafetySettings(HarmCategory::HarmCategoryHarassment, SafetyThreshold::BlockOnlyHigh),
new SafetySettings(HarmCategory::HarmCategoryHateSpeech, SafetyThreshold::BlockOnlyHigh),
new SafetySettings(HarmCategory::HarmCategorySexuallyExplicit, SafetyThreshold::BlockOnlyHigh),
new SafetySettings(HarmCategory::HarmCategoryDangerousContent, SafetyThreshold::BlockOnlyHigh),
systemInstructions: Collection::make([
new TextPart('Your instructions here...'),
generationConfig: new GenerationConfig(...) // Optional
if ($response->finishReason->consideredSuccessful() === false) {
// Handle the model not being able to generate content (probably due to unsafe content)
// Do something with the healthy response
$modelResponse = $response
->sole(fn(PartContract $part) => $part instanceof TextPart) // There should only be one TextPart::class in a model response (for now)
You may new up the classes directly if you don't want to use a dependency injection container
You may serialize and store the TextPart::class responses from the model in your database. This will allow you to conduct a persistent chat session with the model, resembling something like teh ChatGPT interface.
The Google aiplatform.googleapis.com
API allows several forms of authentication. This library is opinionated toward using the access_token
derived from your service account. However, the underlying HTTP client of this library (SaloonPHP) allows "Connector" classes to be extended with any authenticator before being newed up. As a result, you may create your own Saloon authentication strategy and pass it to the constructor:
namespace App\Providers;
class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
public function register(): void
$this->app->bind(GoogleAIPlatformInterface::class, function (Application $app) {
return new GoogleAIPlatformService(
(new GoogleAIPlatformConnector(...))->authenticate(new MyCustomAuthenticator),
The provided GoogleOAuthInterface::token()
method allows you to fetch a new token for bearer authentication. Do keep in mind that if you use this tool for authenticating the AIPlatform, the process generates a new token every time the method is called which may or may not be desirable.
This package does not provide a caching mechanism – for example using the PSR cache interface – due to the dead simple cache integration of most modern frameworks. Here is a Laravel example:
namespace App\Providers;
class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
public function register(): void
$this->app->bind(GoogleAIPlatformInterface::class, function (Application $app) {
return new GoogleAIPlatformService(
(new GoogleAIPlatformConnector(...))->authenticate(
new TokenAuthenticator(
function () use ($app) {
return $app->make(GoogleOAuth2Interface::class)->token(
new TokenRequestDTO(
googleServiceAccount: new GoogleServiceAccount(
scope: 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform',
issuedAt: CarbonImmutable::now(),
expiration: CarbonImmutable::now()->addHour()
This library uses the PSR logger interface for logging. You may provide your own logger by passing it to the constructor of the service:
namespace App\Console\Commands;
class SomeCommand
public function handle(): void
$service = new GoogleAIPlatformService(
new GoogleAIPlatformConnector(...),
new MyCustomLogger
try {
$response = $service->generateContent(...);
} catch (GoogleAIPlatformException $e) {
// Handle the exception
// At this point, the logger will have logged the exception
The same functionality exists on the OAuth2 service.
This is not recommended for basic use cases. However, APIs change and maintainers are lazy. If Google adds a new field to a response which I cannot work on, you are free to hook into the response and create your own DTOs if you don't want to make a PR.
namespace App\Console\Commands;
class SomeCommand
public function __construct(
private readonly GoogleAIPlatformInterface $aiPlatform
) {}
public function handle(): void
requestDto: ...,
beforeRequest: function (Request $request) {
'X-Custom-Header' => 'Value'
return $request;
afterResponse: function (Response $response) {
// Return your own DTO or do something with the response
return $response;
When using free Gemini models, strict rate limits are imposed. You may decide to retry when 429 responses are encountered.
A Guzzle retry middleware is not provided. You may implement your own or use a library of your choice. Example:
composer require caseyamcl/guzzle_retry_middleware
namespace App\Providers;
class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
public function register(): void
$this->app->bind(GoogleAIPlatformInterface::class, function (Application $app) {
$connector = new GoogleAIPlatformConnector(...);
'max_retry_attempts' => 5,
'retry_on_status' => [429],
return new GoogleAIPlatformService(
This library provides fake implementations for testing purposes. For example, you may use the GoogleOAuth2ServiceFake::class
like so:
namespace App\Console\Commands;
use XbNz\Gemini\OAuth2\GoogleOAuth2Interface;
class SomeCommand
public function __construct(
private readonly GoogleOAuth2Interface $googleOAuth2Service
) {}
public function handle(): void
$response = $this->googleOAuth2Service->token(...);
namespace Tests\Feature;
use Tests\TestCase;
use XbNz\Gemini\OAuth2\DataTransferObjects\Requests\TokenRequestDTO;
use XbNz\Gemini\OAuth2\GoogleOAuth2ServiceFake;
class SomeCommandTest extends TestCase
public function test_it_works(): void
// Swapping the real service with the fake one in the Laravel container
$this->app->swap(GoogleOAuth2Interface::class, $fake = new GoogleOAuth2ServiceFake);
// Basic testing helpers
// Asserting against requests
$fake->assertTokenRequest(function (TokenRequestDTO) {
return $dto->grantType === 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer';
The same concept can be applied to the AIPlatform service. The fake implementation is called GoogleAIPlatformServiceFake::class
and provides similar test assertions