SmartCache is a simple, efficient caching system implemented in TypeScript.
- Customizable cache expiry times
- Option to keep expired cache data
- Callback function for when data is removed
- Regular cache invalidation
Use the package manager npm to install SmartCache.
npm install @xcyth/smartcache
* Copyright (c) Ritam Choudhuri 2024.
// Importing the Cache class from the index file
import Cache from './index';
// Creating a new instance of the Cache class with some options
const cache = new Cache({
maxEntries: 10, // Maximum number of entries in the cache
expiresIn: 10000, // Global expiry time for all cache entries
onRemove: (key, value) => { // Callback function to be executed when an entry is removed
console.log(`Cache value with key: ${key} removed, value: ${value}`)
safeMode: true, // Safe mode enabled
keepExpired: true, // Keep expired entries in the cache
globalExpiry: 10000 // Global expiry time for all cache entries
// Setting a cache entry with key 'key1' and value 'value1' with an expiry time of 5000ms
cache.set('key1', 'value1', { expiry: 5000 });
try {
// Attempting to set a complex cache entry with key 'ea'
cache.set('ea', {
bin: [0o1100101, 0o1100001, 0o1110011, 0o1110100, 0o1100101, 0o1110010, 0o0100000, 0o1100101, 0o1100111, 0o1100111, 0o0111111],
dec: [101, 97, 115, 116, 101, 114, 32, 101, 103, 103, 63],
hex: [0x65, 0x61, 0x73, 0x74, 0x65, 0x72, 0x20, 0x65, 0x67, 0x67, 0x3F],
oct: [0o145, 0o141, 0o163, 0o164, 0o145, 0o162, 0o40, 0o145, 0o147, 0o147, 0o77],
str: '???'
} catch (e) {
// Catching and logging any errors that occur when setting the cache entry
console.log("Maybe it's supposed to throw an error, maybe not. Who knows?")
// Setting a cache entry with key 'key3' and value 8554126652 with an expiry time of 25000ms
cache.set('key3', 8554126652, { expiry: 25000 });
// Logging the values of some cache entries
// Logging the size of the cache
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.