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The "AI Project Idea" repo! 💡💡💡

A collection of ideas for kick-starting your AI Project journey!

Remember, you can never win a big hackathon by just implementing these ideas. You need to be creative, original and hunt for the root cause and then make a solution. Try walking in the end users shoe to understand the problems we could face over time.

Here's a tip, pick a idea try modifying it or try to find a MVP which can be built using it. (MVP - Minimum Value Project)

A Majority of hackathon winners create a business model in there submission. In lay mans term a project with some business value will always have a high chance of winnning than others. Try to make the project portable and end-to-end deployable when asked.

👩‍🎓👨‍🎓 Beginner AI Project Ideas

Click to expand the huge Beginner Level Project List.
  • Iris Data
  • Loan Prediction Data
  • Bigmart Sales Data
  • Boston Housing Data
  • Time Series Analysis Data
  • Wine Quality Data
  • Turkiye Student Evaluation Data
  • Height and Weights Data
  • Black Friday Data
  • Human Activity Recognition Data
  • Slam Competition Data
  • Trip History Data
  • Million Song Data
  • Census Income Data
  • Movie Lense Data
  • Twitter Classification Data
  • Identify your digits
  • Urban Sound Classification
  • Vox Celebrity Data
  • ImageNet Data
  • Chicago Crime Data
  • Age Detection of Indian Actors Data
  • VisualQA Data
  • Recommendation Engine Data
  • Hubway Data Visualization Challenge
  • Yelp Dataset
  • Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Cup
  • Sales Analysis
  • Demand and supply of products and making estimate demand of products
  • Customer Segmentation
  • Market Positioning
  • Brand Positioning
  • Supply Chain
  • Online Bot to teach summary of topics in absence of teachers
  • Predicting the volume of crypto currency based on market value
  • Flight Fare Prediction
  • PPT Slide through hand gestures using ML and OpenCV
  • COVID-19 Mask Detection in the public
  • Sarcasm Detection
  • Fake News Detection
  • Caption generation
  • Hate tweet Detection

👩‍🏫👨‍🏫 Advanced AI Project Ideas (Research Papers)

Click to expand the huge Advanced Level Project List.
  • Text to 3D Scene Generation with Rich Lexical Grounding by Angel Chang, Will Monroe, Manolis Savva, Christopher Potts and Christopher D. Manning
  • An end-to-end Deep Learning approach to MI-EEG signal Classification for Brain Computer Interfaces by Hauke Dosea Jakob S.Mollera, Helle K.lversenb Sadasivan Puthusserpadya
  • Personality Prediction based on Handwriting using ML by Nikita Lemos, Krish Shah, Rajas Rade, Dharmil Shah
  • Blowing Up the Twittersphere - Predicting the Optimal Time To Tweet by Seth Hildick Shah and Zach Ellison.
  • Diagnosing and Segmenting Brain Tumors and Phenotypes using MRI Scans Teicher and Alexander Martinez
  • Predicting high-risk countries for political instability and conflict by BLair Huffman, Emma Marriott and April Yu
  • Real Time Flight Path Optimization Under Constraints Using Surrogate Flutter Function by Arthur Paul-Dubois-Taine
  • Landmark Recognition Using Machine Learning by Andrew Crudge, Will Thomas and Kaiyuan Zhu
  • Strength in numbers: Modeling the impact of businesseson each other by Amir Sadeghian, Hakan Inan and Andres Noetzil
  • Automated Essay Grading by Alex Adamson, Andrew Lamb and Ralph Ma
  • Predicting influencers in a Social Network by Ruishan Liu, Yanh Xhao and Liuyu Zhou
  • Algorithmic Trading Strategy Based on Massive Data Mining by Haoming Li, Tianlun Li and Zhijun Yang
  • Analyzing Vocal Patterns to Determine Emotion by Andy Sun and Maisy Wieman
  • Prediction the Commercial Success of Sings based on Lyrics and other Metrics by Angela Xue, Nick Dupoux
  • From Classical to Hip-Hop: Can Machines learn Genres? by Aaron Kravitz, Eliza Lupone, Ryan Diaz
  • YouTube Videos Prediction: Will this video be popular? by Yuping Li, Kent Eng and Liqian Zhang
  • Identifying and Predicting market reactions to information shocks in commodity markets by Eric Liu, Vedant Ahluwalia, Deepyaman Datta and Dongyang Zhang
  • Prediction of Average and Perceived polarity in Online Journalism by Albert Chu, Kensen Shi and Catherine Wong
  • Prediction Lecture Video Complexity by Nick Su and Ismael Menjivar
  • Automated Identification of Artist Given unknown paintings and Quantification of artist style by nicholas dufor, Kyle Griswold and Michael Lubin
  • Exposing commersial value in social networks matching online ocmmunities and businesses by Murali Narasimhan, Camelia Simoiu, Anthony Ward
  • Autonomous Tagging of stack overflow posts by Mihail Eric, Ana Klimovic, Victor Zhong
  • People Counting in Dense Crowd Images Using Sparse head detections by mamoona birkhez Shami and salman maqbool
  • NADAQ: Natural Language Database Querying Based on Deep Learning by boyan xu and ruicha cai
  • Predicting Course completitions for online courses by Joseph Paetz
  • Player Behaviour and Optimal Team Compositions for online multiplayer games by Hao Yi ong, sunil deolaikar, mark peng
  • Activity Recognition Using Physiological Data Collected from Wearable tech by Cezanne Camacho, Jennifer Li, Jeffrey Yang
  • Predicting the success of Mobile Applications by Cameron Tuckerman
  • Detecting heart Abnormality using ECG with CART by Ben Zhou, gasper garcia, paurakh rajbhandary
  • Classifying complex legal documents by alex Ratner

👩‍🚀👨‍🚀 Advanced AI Project Ideas

Click to expand the huge Advanced Level Project List.
  • Facial Recognition and detecting mood of the person and suggesting song according to mood
  • Analysis of news and verified blogs to predict share market
  • A device that tells in words about surrounding to a blind person
  • Audio convertor from one Lang to other with same voice
  • Finding out habitable exoplanets from images captured by space vehicles like kepler using DL
  • Public transportation planning (based on citizen usage and traffic)
  • criminal investigation with suspect prediction
  • Photo regeneration for the damaged old reel pictures
  • Smart fuel control models for engines and machineries can be set up Which in turn increases the efficiency
  • Estimate alternative sources of power, thereby redusing electricity usage
  • Eco-friendly compounds for commercial production
  • Wellness AI could help up predict many natural disasters by analyzing the weather and all
  • Measuring current usage of water per year we'll face water crisis?
  • AI in automobiles can keep pollution in check & tell the owner about getting his vehicle serviced
  • AI can predict pest attack by sensing temperature pressure and humidity
  • Prophecy of Movie's Success using Data Mining and ML
  • Automatic Summary Generation, using NLP (helpful for business meetings)
  • A neural Network model to build the second half of a movie given the first half of it
  • NLP in Indian Regional Languages
  • Handwritten Equation Solver using CNN
  • Sentiment Analysis on Instagram or reddit to find depression in the person posting
  • Semantic Analysis over live stream from Drones and/or unmanned vehicles iver crop fields for disease diag.
  • Distracted Driver Detection
  • predict mental illness with EEG signals obtained during sleep
  • Using Deep Learning to detect depression among adolecent children using their handwriting
  • Video Summarization using Neural Networks for Sports Match highlights
  • Diet Recommendation! Can be clustered according to one's activity schedule
  • Identifying depression and stress levels based on the analysis on behavior patterns
  • Recommendation of work-out and diet plans based on photos of the body, weight, height, calorie intake, etc...
  • Identifying and updating the stock in inventory using image or video processing
  • Using GANs to enhance the quality of video streaming platforms and to lower the data usage
  • Speed estimation, automatic detection of helmet and number plate in real time from CCTV Footage

🚀 How can I contribute?

  • If you have already made an end-to-end project based on one of these listed ideas please feel free to make a PR and add links to your completed project repo.
    Ex. (editing one of these topics in the above section)
- Iris Data [project](<PROJECT_LINK>)
- From Classical to Hip-Hop: Can Machines learn Genres? by Aaron Kravitz, Eliza Lupone, Ryan Diaz [paper](PAPER_LINK) [project](<PROJECT_LINK>)
  • If in case you have built the same project but with better approach or code feel free to update the links.
  • Well if you find more interesting research papers you can add them to the list. (you can explore more at arxiv and arxiv-sanity. There are many more places where research papers are published.)
  • You can also contribute to grammer fixes.

To learn more about making a proper structured PR to "Awesome AI Ideas", please see our Contribution page
And please follow the Code of Conduct

😍 Other community repos about ideas!