Releases: Xposed-Modules-Repo/io.mesalabs.knoxpatch
- SmartThings support
* The previous release (v0.7.2) introduced a few regressions due to a bug in the hooks, please update if you haven't done this yet.
** If you have troubles installing the app, try the "sep-lite" apk.
*** If you have troubles flashing the Enhancer zip in recovery, try the "DynamicInstaller" zip.
- One UI 6.1.1 support
- Additional hooks for Enhanced data protection feature (One UI 5.1.1)
* If you have troubles installing the app, try the "sep-lite" apk.
** If you have troubles flashing the Enhancer zip in recovery, try the "DynamicInstaller" zip.
- Added ASKS disable patch
- Additional hooks for Enhanced data protection feature
* If you have troubles installing the app, try the "sep-lite" apk.
** If you have troubles flashing the Enhancer zip in recovery, try the "DynamicInstaller" zip.
- One UI 6.1 support
* If you have troubles installing the app, try the "sep-lite" apk.
** If you have troubles flashing the Enhancer zip in recovery, try the "DynamicInstaller" zip.
- Updated hooks API's
- Additional hooks for Enhanced data protection feature
* If you have troubles installing the app, try the "sep-lite" apk.
** If you have troubles flashing the Enhancer zip in recovery, try the "DynamicInstaller" zip.
- Auto Blocker support
- Additional hooks for Enhanced data protection feature
* If you have troubles installing the app, try the "sep-lite" apk.
** If you have troubles flashing the Enhancer zip in recovery, try the "DynamicInstaller" zip.
- Samsung Checkout support
- Fix Private Share for One UI 5.1.1 and above
- Fix Enhanced data protection feature
* If you have troubles installing the app, try the "sep-lite" apk.
** If you have troubles flashing the Enhancer zip in recovery, try the "DynamicInstaller" zip.
- One UI 6.0 support
* If you have troubles installing the app, try the "sep-lite" apk.
** If you have troubles flashing the Enhancer zip in recovery, try the "DynamicInstaller" zip.
- Enhancer v0.4
- Fix Android 10 Secure Folder fix for non-FBE devices (requires flashing in recovery mode)
- Add Secure Folder fix for Android 10/11 FBE devices (requires flashing in recovery mode)
- One UI 5.1.1 support
* If you have troubles installing the app, try the "sep-lite" apk.
** If you have troubles flashing the Enhancer zip in recovery, try the "DynamicInstaller" zip.