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Xircuits Component Library for SQLite – Simplify database operations within your workflows.
This library enables seamless integration of SQLite database operations into Xircuits workflows. It supports tasks like database connection management, executing SQL queries, and retrieving or manipulating data.
Before you begin, you will need the following:
- Python3.9+.
- Xircuits.
Establishes a connection to the SQLite database file, making it accessible for query execution.
Executes a query and retrieves a single row from the database result set as a dictionary.
Executes a query and retrieves all rows from the database result set, returning them as a list of dictionaries.
Executes multiple SQLite operations within a transaction, ensuring all operations are committed or rolled back.
Executes a single SQL query, with optional arguments, on the connected SQLite database.
Runs an SQL script from a file on the SQLite database, enabling batch query execution.
We've provided an example workflow to help you get started with the SQLite component library. Give it a try and see how you can interact with an SQLite database in a Xircuits workflow.
This example demonstrates basic database operations, including creating a table, inserting records, and fetching data from the SQLite database.
To install the SQLite component library, you can use the component library interface or the CLI:
xircuits install sqlite
Or you can install it manually by cloning and setting up the library:
# base Xircuits directory
git clone xai_components/xai_sqlite