A blog build with django-- in python-- -
I was a fresh man(2017) when I first know django,and then I built this blog intermittently till now,and the work will not end up because there are so many interesting new technologies come to the world! At first I didn't know too much about the css and js,so I used some front-end templates so the front-end files may be mussy, If I have free time in the future I will build a better new independent website.
install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
should change
from django.utils import six
import six
and comment out
from django.utils.encoding import python_2_unicode_compatible
Index slider.
Wallpaper exhibition(it will refresh while refresh the page).
Stock recorder(because I was fascinated in stock market).
Article search.
Artice pagination。
Thumbs-up to the article.
Comment to the article(emoji support).
Article information(reading amount, views, thumbs-up and comments amount of reading).
Zoom picture in the article page.
Highlight code(use highlight.js).
Video customized(use video.js).
WeChat mini program.
Memcached cache
User login function.
Front end adapt the Mobile services.
Rebuild frontend with react.
Deploy in docker.
support mermaid
- 2025-01-18 增加文章目录功能
目录解析问题,会把代码块里的# 开头的也解析为目录