formtools is a basic library for handle forms.
- Work on PHP > 5.3
- Create form using a class : reusable system (and multiple configuration in one class @see examples/Form/User.php)
- Simple form generation using html tag (table, tr, td) (@see examples/all.php for defaults "decorators")
- Generating form using simple "template" file
- Three types of elements :
- Push (Button, Image, Reset, Submit)
- Not required for validation
- Input (Checkbox, File, Hidden, Password, Text)
- Simple creation if you need special attribute frequently
- Options (Radio, Select and one day MultiCheckbox for name="checkbox[keyOne]" like)
- And Textarea (4 types ? nooo !)
- Push (Button, Image, Reset, Submit)
- Simple filter and validator
- Take a look in the source, I use some PHP function : you may need to know their behavior
- Can use Closure
- Need perfect filter and validator ? Create your own.
- Inspired by Zend_Form system, but formtools focus only on form (Filter and Validate on ZF are reusable elsewhere)
- "Decorators system in ZF will be better in ZF2", if this real : formtools will be useless
- I create this library only for the "render system"
- The only things you need : examples/ (index.html)
- Miss something ? formtools/
- Encore ? Email me at yacodoo[at]gmail[dot]com, and I will try to give you a response
- Add a MultipleCheckbox Element (for handle multiple checkbox with the same name checkbox[keyOne] checkbox[keyTwo]
- Modify Filter and Validator (More powerful, and configurable)
#### Think this library could be more powerful ? Daft Punk advice : Fork it, code it, push it.