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USB Device Recommendations

cc-costantino edited this page Oct 4, 2019 · 48 revisions

This page is a crowdsourced list of devices that have / haven't worked for people at Yale. This is not a Yale official endorsement. Use these recommendations at your own risk (but we tried to make them the best we could!).

Already know you want one? Just get one of these:

  • Example Prox Card Reader Prox Card Reader
    • (needs configuration: RFIDeas PCProx Configuration)
    • ~$155-160 on GovConnection
    • Must be either model RDR-6081AKU (GovConnect. Item #: 9358455) or RDR-6081AKU-78X (GovConnect. Item #: 15612860)
    • DO NOT BUY model RDR-6G82AKU it will NOT work with our badges which are HID prox cards.

Prox Card Reader Devices

Example Prox Card Reader

Yale's IDs are HID proximity cards, which allow you to tap the ID instead of swipe.

RFIdeas PCProx

[RFIdeas PCProx Configuration Settings](RFIdeas PCProx Configuration)

Must be [configured](RFIdeas PCProx Configuration) once on a Windows computer, but can be used on any computer after that.

RDR-6081AKU (GovConnection Item #: 9358455) or
RDR-6081AKU-78X (GovConnection Item #: 15612860) - provides technical support via chat and phone

Mobile Devices

USB to Phone Adapter (OTG)

Example OTG Adapter

The devices above may work with a USB to Phone Adapter (OTG).

  • Android devices tend to have these easily available online.
  • Apple devices may work with a "camera connection kit", although this is untested. ref
  • Keeping in mind that newer Apple mobile hardware would require a USB-to-Lightning adapter

Casey Watts has successfully used this adapter with both prox and magstripe readers.


I've heard there's a (much more expensive) bluetooth device for each of these (magstripe/prox) that can do the same sort of thing. I just haven't found any devices that just attach directly to an iPad (like the one Sam and Lynn are using) and produce keyboard input without an SDK, but I hope those exist.

Things That Won't Work


Square won't work with CardSwipr.

To use a Square device you would have to have their proprietary audio decoder (it goes in the audio jack!). CardSwipr depends on these devices providing keyboard input to work. If you'd like to see how complex the decoder would be, check out this article.

Phone Camera

Phone camera won't work with Yale ID cards.

The barcodes are hidden behind a holographic film, and phone cameras normally aren't strong enough to read these.

NFC (in phones)

NFC won't work with Yale ID cards.

Yale ID cards are on 125 kHz which is incompatible with phones' NFC readers (which operate at 13.56 Mhz )