中文README - detail说明 - Online Demo
A card review tool that has built-in readers to provide an end-to-end language learning experience!
Why re-implement the Anki?
Anki provides extension plugins for the users to extend its functions, however, the over-complicated database design and the requirement for PyQt knowledge make it hard to develop new features.
The aim of OmniAnki is to create a web-based end-to-end memory-card tool that provides an easier method to get around the following processes:
- Collect information.
- Aggregate, and extract it into the memory-card format.
- Select a proper algorithm for different decks.
- Save it to the database and provide the review function which is identical to Anki.
- A real-time news fetch function is implemented, in addition, it also has a book-reading function(in progress).
- An impressively automated card-making function to free learners from strenuous labor.
- Built-in dictionary system for reading and easy-to-use word-add-from-dictionary function.
- Use memory algorithms to manipulate card review intervals. (in progress)
pip install -r requirements.txt
python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py runserver 0:80
docker-compose up -d
docker pull registry.cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/yellowandgreen/anki_img:1.0
docker run -it -p 8000:80 --name anki_img anki_img:1.0
user: admin password: 1234
python manage.py createsuperuser